Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

totally normal person · 2mo

Have ever read the jyj section of ex-snsd Jessica’s book? She basically implies that SM was indeed blacklisting them using the SM groups and then she also says that “the idols in the company were grateful to them” for the lawsuit basically. Which is interesting... Obviously the book is not meant to taken literally in every word but… that section was a bit too on the nose to ignore imo

i've seen summaries of it and i've seen some of the parts where she talks about the jyj analogues, it's definitely an interesting look into how the lawsuit was received amongst sm at the time but like you said i'm not going to put too much stock into it because at the end of the day it is a fictionalized version of events. for all we know it could've gone completely differently from how she wrote it yk

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