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I make art for adults and I share dark/sensitive fictional content, 18+ only please.

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Luci <3 · 2mo

Would Jack spank Lola when she was little? From what I know, she was a wild child lmao, but I wonder if he ever did. Perhaps he never did that because she resembles so much of Dolly, and hurting Lola would mean hurting Dolly?

He did spank her when she was little and even as she gets older! He didn’t really make the Dolly connection until Lola started looking more like her as she gets older, but even then he knows spanking her is one of the most effective ways to put Lola in her place when she’s acting out, his goal is to beat the rebellious teen out of her and groom her into the perfect Dolly after all.

Anon · 2mo

hello! just curious, what brushes do you use? if you don’t wanna answer no problem! just wondering :)

Anon · 2mo

Thoughts on Joel x Ellie from TLOU? I feel like you’d like them

I’ve only watched the show but I should watch the gameplay too because from the little bit that I’ve read and seen about their dynamic/ship it very much aligns with the stuff I enjoy! 👁️👁️

Anon · 3mo

Hi!!!! Weird question, did you use a reference for Lola’s dress in your newest art of Jack and Lola at the fair? It’s sososoo cute and I wanted to know if I could find it anywhere!!

Noo I’m sorry I didn’t use reference for her dress! I did find similar ones when I googled “pale yellow off the shoulder sundress” tho! 💛

Anon · 3mo

Will Jack ever love Lola as much as he loves Dolly?

Anon · 3mo
Anon · 3mo

will jack ever loose interest in lola? Like if she’s seventeen or eighteen will he be like… oh she’s not as young, like would he stop…?

Nope, they’re super codependent, and the more Lola matures and looks more like Dolly the more obsessed with her Jack becomes :]

Anon · 3mo

its me the LOST anon again, and omfg... I COULD TOTALLY SEE THAT. Jack would be feeling such some type of way... pb n JELLY. also i literally love the idea of her being pals with claire and aaron because thats just?? so sweet. idk i love ur art and ur brain. thanks for feeding us <3

LOL can you imagine Lola getting knocked up by Jack and then the Others kidnapping her to do their weird pregnancy experiments on her and they’re like girl who tf got you pregnant you’re like 16 LMFAO

Anon · 3mo

So I binged all of the writing you and JuneOokami wrote for Jack & Lola and I wanted to know do you guys collaborate on the chapters and take turns with writing? Or does the writing happen after you’ve completed a new drawing of them? I was just curious in how it all comes together.

June does all the writing and will usually send me drafts, sometimes I give feedback but usually she nails their dynamic perfectly! Sometimes she’ll write a piece inspired by art I’ve already made, sometimes I’ll make art inspired by her writing! We swap ideas in DMs and that’s usually how we collab

Anon · 3mo

holy shit i love LOST i just saw your tweets about the LOST au, and now i'm just imaginging Jack sounding like Sawyer... need him bad

I think Lola would instinctually try to make friends with Sawyer because he reminds her of her dad and Jack would HATE IT. I think she’d also be friends with Claire and would help babysit her baby :]

Anon · 3mo

your story and the lore of your characters genuinely brings me to tears cause all i want to happen in it is they love each other but they can't and it's the worst, angst dad x daughter where the daughter looks like her mama breaks my heart!! your art, story, everything is so good, i just needed to tell you this

Thank you so much! I care about these blorbos so much so I’m glad you’ve been enjoying their sad little story so far 🩷

Anon · 4mo

What did Jack dream for Lola when she was a baby/when she was still in her mummy's tummy?

This question is so sweet 🥺 He probably dreamed that he’d open his own mechanic shop so he can support his girls without them needing to worry about money or anything, maybe have another baby so Lola had someone to play with, he’d hope she could go to college (something he and Dolly didn’t get to do) and meet someone nice to start her own family with. He probably dreamed of family vacations and family camping trips, teaching Lola how to fish and how to be independent/take care of herself. Dreams of birthday parties for Lola with all her friends and high school graduation, prom, walking her down the aisle at her wedding.

Anon · 3mo

What would Lola and Jack's voice sound like?

Ive answered this before but I’m still struggling to find voice claims that I really like. This is the closest I’ve found for them so far:
Lola - younger Sissy Spacek (think Ginger in the Morning)
Jack - Deeper/more stern Josh Holloway (mostly influenced by my current rewatch of Lost LOL)

Anon · 3mo

Would Lola ever consider being with a girl/experimenting? How would jack react if he found out she was with a girl hypothetically?

I don’t think she would, Jack’s kinda successfully groomed her to only be attracted to people who remind her of her father. Jack wouldn’t dig it either, he doesn’t want anyone else touching her aside from himself.

Anon · 3mo

me and my boyfriend are ooing and awing out loud at your art right now you are WONDERFUL were insane!

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