Alison · 3mo

1) I can't stop commenting how much I love your take on ReiMob. Causeway is on my mind so often, thank you for your hard work 🙏💕

2) I'm curious as to how you got into MP100 and ReiMob 👀

1) i’m so so happy to hear that aaahhh, i admire your art so much, so it’s amazing to me that youve enjoyed my take on reimob in that fic :’’) <3

2) it was genuinely love at first sight hahaha. i think i saw reigen and mob for the first time in some sort of ad just as the anime started airing, and i was like, “oh no…they’re perfect…they were made for me in a lab, etc” hahahaha. i could tell right away that they embodied some of my all-time favorite tropes, and i remember hoping that they’d be at least a little shippable asjdkslsj. and then the series itself was so beautiful and hilarious and weird and kind, and its themes resonated so deeply with me…and reimob’s connection was just…beyond anything i could’ve imagined or hoped for… :’) i’m still so grateful for it :’’’)

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