
🦜 reimob, allmob, 18+ only ❤️

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anon · 1mo

What colour do you picture when you think of your own fanworks' vibe? mysteriously vague answers supported and encouraged

mb · 2mo

this is going to sound like it came out of fucking nowhere and it kinda did (unfortunately that’s how my brain works) BUT in “endearment” there’s a line about how the hardest reigen ever cried in his life was having sex with mob or something and i have always wondered what’s the hc behind that?? it made me so curious LOL

i promise other lines you’ve written stick with me this much too 😂

anon · 2mo

Your works are truly life-altering, splendid! Is there a fic you've enjoyed writing the most, or one that was more difficult than others?

anon · 2mo

Hello! How and when did you get into mp100? Also whats THE moment that made you love mp100?

hello!! <3 i got into mob years ago, right as the first season started airing hahaha. i remember seeing mob and reigen for the first time in a post or ad somewhere online—and i just immediately fell in love with their designs and the personalities they exuded :)) it really was love at first sight haha, i was completely enthralled from episode one…but i guess the final two episodes of season one were what really did it for me—“it’s okay to run away”, followed by 1000% gratitude…i was so incredibly moved and charmed by those moments :’’) <33

Rune · 7 answers · 2mo

Happy Mob Birthday everyone!
What's something (anything!) in MP100/MRM fanworks you'd self-indulgently would love to see more of?

happy belated mob day!! and aaahhh i can’t choose hahaha…but in terms of nsfw, i’ll always want to see more of mob in some/any form of bondage :’) i just think it suits him, aesthetically, thematically…maybe it could even be a kind of subtle way of helping him reenact and process all that time he spent repressing himself…plus being tied up could help him feel more controlled, powerless, and cared for in bed, which i like to think would appeal to him even (or especially) as he becomes more independent and more accepting of his powers in his everyday life :))

mb · 9 answers · 2mo

i’m not sure what this “ask your followers” feature does, like is it just going to show up in everyone’s inboxes? anyway what’s a song/album/artist you’ve been super into recently

i’m sorry this answer is so late fhgdjdk, though it’s the same as it wouldve been ten days ago…vampire weekend :’D they’re one of a handful of bands/artists i can always listen to regardless of my mood…along with sufjan…the new pornographers…

Lucky · 2mo

do you like parrots? When are we getting a parrot fic?

anon · 2mo

also, what’s an hc that you think about a lot but that you haven’t talked about much or that might surprise people?

anon · 2mo

i feel like i owe you a Great Debt because your fics were some of the first reimob i read and pictures of the sinking world completely rewired my brain. i know that people say that a lot but it really changed the way i think. in like, the best way possible. you are an incredible writer and i am constantly impressed and inspired by your work :)

i owe you a Great Debt for telling me this :’’’) <3<3<3<3 thank you so so much, i’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my fics, and i really can’t express how much your kind words mean to me. ive had my brain rewired a few times, so it’s crazy/amazing to hear that my fic has had that effect on someone ;-; thank you anon ily <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

anon · 2mo

What are your favorite kinda things to write? Scenarios or tropes or kinks etc?

anon · 2mo

Ya're one if not THE fic writer of all time for me. Thank u for all you've let us read I'll never act normal abt any of it

aaaahhh oh my god. this gave me so many butterflies and also made me cry hahaha :’’’) whoever you are, thank you so so much…it honestly feels like a dream to hear this ;-; <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 i’ll always remember it

anon · 2mo

What are some underrated reimob dynamics in your opinion??

anon · 2mo

Are you the one who used to comment on omori YouTube videos in early 2021? Along with yellow tulip or whatever his name was lol.

god i wish i could say yes to this because wouldnt that be so wild hahaha, but im afraid ive never played omori and don’t know much about it akdkdjsksh :’’) although now i feel like maybe i should change that...also i’m extremely curious about this mysterious youtube commenter, do we have similar speech patterns…?? are they also a parrot hahahaha, please tell me more hgfdghsj :’’D

anon · 2mo

Your fics are so good..!! Who do you enjoy writing more, Mob or Reigen?

thank you so much :’) <33 and aaahh unsurprisingly i can’t choose hahaha…reigen is my favorite character, i have the biggest most absurd and humiliating crush on him—but i relate more to mob…so hmm, maybe i would say that writing reigen tends to feel more exciting, and writing mob tends to feel more comfortable? but in the end i think i enjoy their perspectives equally :))

Alison · 2mo

1) I can't stop commenting how much I love your take on ReiMob. Causeway is on my mind so often, thank you for your hard work 🙏💕

2) I'm curious as to how you got into MP100 and ReiMob 👀

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