Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

1door · 9mo

not liking assumptions about someone's orientation doesn't mean hate queer people, I respect, I just mean don't make any assumptions or jokes about it isn't cool

u just glossed over the fact that the Whole reason I was even talking about it was bc someone was in eli’s retrospring being mad saying “he’s not gay!” and assuming he’s straight- which again, Is an orientation. and youre targeting queer people who see queer behavior and Say that it is, mostly light-heartedly. Especially in a heteronormative society, people acting like being associated with queerness is wrong gets on my nerves. You and I both don’t know their specific labels of course but that doesn’t mean queer fans can’t point out when they’re Being Openly Queer. Would you be this mad about people saying they’re not gay?

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