Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

1door · 9mo

At no point did I mean to be disrespectful to your orientation and if I was, I apologize, I just think it's disrespectful to make assumptions and joke about it, especially when you don't know anything, I read some comments today from this fandom that went beyond the point of joking, so that's why I said to be more careful

I am my own person. Talk to me based on what /I/ said and not a hoard of people. You’re putting the responsibility of what the fandom is saying on me. If I had said anything out of the lines like sincerely speculating sure I would apologize but that’s not what I was doing ever. In fact, All I Said yesterday was pretty much this where I specifically even said “he could or could not be”but the hate I’m getting right now is beyond limits. I’m getting called slurs over this for being annoyed at onedoors being hetereonormative and defaulting to “straight”.

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