Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

1door · 9mo

I'm sorry you read nasty comments but you can't generalize the entire fandom because of one group of people, the majority here are nice, respectful and like you

I'm sorry you get generalized but when you're experiencing the fandom the way I am, it's hard to feel like it's a safe space. I can't Say anything without getting insulted, I can't take a few days of a break without people calling me useless, I can't talk about a member too much or too little, I can't make jokes, I can't tweet too much or too little, I've been told to end my life countless amount of times by this fandom, I've had someone tell me I should have died in a tragic accident, I've had people being racist, homophobic, straight up rude, I've had people being condescending, I've had people accuse me of sending myself hate, and saying I'm too mentally ill to Be on twitter bc I was reacting emotionally to hate, I've had people insult my relationship, people are also doing the same to my boyfriend, seeing people being horrible to eli is also really fucking horrible, people acting like they know me when they don't, people mad I don't follow them back or reply to their messages, etc. and this is in the year that I've been in this community. So I'm sorry anon, I Know there's people who like me but I will call this fandom toxic when in my experience this is what I get treated as.

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