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ssulyuon · 6 answers · 8mo

What’s your idea of a perfect date night?

Walk outside for a while then go back to home and watching TV while cuddling till we sleep. HAHAHAHA

For a date night.. maybe go to cinema and watch our favorite movie together, holding hands, smiling to each other, then we can have a night drive… a deeptalk and cuddling…

Strolling around the city, feeling the breeze while holding hands together, forget the tomorrow as long as i am with him.

This is very serious to me. As a night person, night date will always perfect for me. I really want to do this: Out of the house at 10 pm, night ride while looking for yummy foods in the city, play some boring old songs, occasionally pull over the car just to kiss, eat together (oh I don't need fancy dinner), stares at the city lights or ocean and do nothing, then go home at 2am. Even better if there is a "bonus"

Just watching movie together while commenting on the movie, trying to find similarities with our lives. Lot of laughs and giggles!

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