· 5 answers · 22d

How do you cope with jealousy or insecurity in a relationship?

I observe, and then I learn. I usually give myself a pep talk and make sure that my heart and mind align. I handle it myself pretty well, but if it’s too much, I’ll talk to my partner about it, and in advance, I will prepare what I would ask from him (saving this for when it’s necessary; heart-to-heart talk comes first).

Acknowledge & Openly talk about jealousy to my boyfriend, Recognize that jealousy is usually a sign of insecurity.

Oh, I wish someone could answer this for me because I also questioning that. 🧍‍♀️

I do not cope with jealousy. My jealous level is 10000000000. As for insecurity, as long as my partner can comfort me, it will disappear.

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