Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Micah/Redd Β· 10mo

Onimaru- Nagi- in a teahouse- full of cute geisha ready to serve. what's the first thing Oni is gonna do? πŸ‘€ he's got free reign here, what would come into his mind first?

OH lordy, he'd barely be able to contain himself in the presence of beautiful women that he actually can get close to πŸ‘€
pullin two girlies to his side to grope and get a feel on... he's rough with it, pinching and grabbing at their pretty skin all the while he's sniffing and marking one of them up,,

they... VERY likely don't take kindly to it but ofc oni doesn't care, he's gunna have his sick fun either way, even if he winds up killing any one of the poor girls πŸ’¦

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