Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Hey! I saw your comment about your thoughts of Joker’s life before P5 and I honestly agree with you!

After playing the game and learning as much as I can about Japanese culture, I do believe Joker is also a victim of Japanese society but its more subdued because we don’t get a lot of stuff about Joker.

I think Joker is a victim of Japanese societal conformity that his individuality is repressed for years because of what we see of him in the game.

thank you anon!! since i’m not japanese and never studied in depth on the culture and societal norms, i dont feel that confident commenting on it. however as someone who is chinese and has also experienced the comformist culture, yes i can see that affecting him prior to the game’s canon! the headcanons i tend to lean into when adding detail to his life in his hometown are often traits and expectations i’ve experienced myself growing up as an east asian, but that definitely goes too much into the headcanon territory for me to add in the thread haha. it’s fun to explore the possibilities though.

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