Anonymous Coward · 6mo

oh that's fair!

i'm chinese too but i do learn a bit of japanese culture since i'm studying japanese out of interest. granted, i still have much to learn but i understand it a bit.

and given that joker lived in a countryside esque town that didn't get as modernized as p4 inaba did, the societal conformity might be worse cause word gets around in a smaller town easily than it is in a big city.

though, personally i base it mostly on what little i could find about some hints to joker's canon self in the games (like he has trauma from the first time he was falsely arrested) and some so i got some thought that if joker's parents aren't bad but well-meaning and loving, even if they had limits like any other person, his interaction with the people in his town (sans his family) would have repressed his individuality instead.

still i appreciate and do agree with your thoughts about joker's pre-p5 life!

oh yes, him being a small town kid from the countryside definitely plays a huge part. the incident with shido definitely brought too much unwanted attention that even without the probation i find it quite likely that joker would have relocated or stepped away from the people in his town. we already get a taste of how he might have been treated for his record from the behavior of shujin academy, but at least in the big city of tokyo not everyone knows the details of his life and he is able to find so many confidants that treated him well.

im rambling again haha but thanks for sending in some of your thoughts!

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