Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Why did you say you stepped down from modding the travel zine due to health concerns when it was actually because you were incapable and the other mods were forced to take over for you…

hi anon, i dont believe i need to share all my personal struggles especially with both my physical health and mental health to prove i stepped down for those reasons. i don’t deny that i was indeed incapable and the other mods had to step in to save the project because that was indeed what happened, and i feel very grateful and indebted to them for doing so. if that wasn’t the case, why would i step down? i care deeply about the travel zine still, and i feel guilty and sad i couldn’t stay present enough to continue overseeing it.

i joke that i don’t have a filter online a lot and overshare, but the persona i share with the public internet is very curated from my true self. i also never share all the more worrisome and ugly details with even friends when i do reach out for help. i dont feel at all comfortable sharing any part of that month long disappearance on here.

honestly even now being online and trying to force myself to be normal is a work in progress, but im desperate to somehow force myself into feeling normal again. maybe this will finally have me productive and pull myself together, or maybe it won’t. i don’t know.

i do know i’ve disappointed you, and everyone involved in the zine. i’m disappointed in myself too. sorry. please support the zine when it releases.

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