Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

wait i’m confused ;-; did the Winds of Blessing people struggle to contact u and u were unresponsive or did they never contact u like u said 🤔 or did u mean they never contacted u about the public thread

I do want to offer more clarity on this situation since people are confused from zine team’s announcement, which wasn’t very clear on what happened.

The mod team did struggle to contact me during the month of February (from February 16th onwards technically I was MIA) and it was at on March 2nd that I was asked to step down and either stay as an intern or leave the project. I chose the latter, believing it was the best choice for both me and the entire project that I step away when I was incapable of even coming online. These were written in my reply to them, and while I didn’t elaborate, it was implied that I was not in a well state at the time. I apologized to them for disappointing the team with my behavior, thanked them for their work and the undeserved opportunity they offered and told them I would try to respond if there were any further issues. They responded by thanking me for informing their decision and told me that since there was significant changes in the mod team, they would need announce it publicly for transparency sake before wishing me the best moving forward. I didn’t object to there being a public announcement, I think it makes sense for people to know that the project was no longer managed by me, and I knew I fucked up. No excuses there.

No one contacted me after that for anything related to the zine. They didn’t ask me if I really was planning on hosting that panel either before announcing it as fact. I was talking to two of the mods about non-zine related things this week when I finally tried to make a return online, so there was the opportunity to ask instead of assuming. I’m not upset from there being a public announcement, it’s the words used and the actions afterwards that upset me the most.

I’ve already contacted the team member that drafted the announcement, but we didn’t have a productive conversation. I’m still sorting through my own thoughts on the matter too, but I don’t think I’ll bring up the issue on my account anymore after this. If this is the consequence they want me to pay for betraying their trust, then so be it. Thank you to everyone who sent messages of support to me yesterday, I really appreciated them even if I won’t be replying directly to avoid spamming the timeline. To everyone that saw this opportunity to kick me for one reason or another, I hope you’re satisfied and can move onto better things.

Thank you for listening.

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