Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

MetaFan Β· 10mo

Mmmmm meta knight wore the curse cow bell mmm cockus Ballus udderus bloat upus

This orb is just a magnet for cursed objects isn't he?

Just an ordinary cow bell laying alone and unattended. And yet.. he feels strangely compelled to wear it, surely nothing will happen right?

Oh how wrong meta is πŸ˜‡πŸ’” At first he just feels a bit odd then he's starting to feel his cock and starting to come out at an alarming rate, he's immediately in a panic and is quick to try and find somewhere to hide. He does happened to find a pretty empty barn not to far and quickly makes a mad dash for it; hidden away from any prying eyes.

Once he gets there it feels like he's gotten heavier than before and when he finally noticed a new addition on himself, an udder a very bloated one at that. It's quite a sight along with his now cock and balls fully out on display, he's completely in shock and oddly aroused by it. You'd think taking the bell off would stop it but, it's not that easy 😏 It seems the only option here is to relieve himself manually but, luckily for him he's in a barn atm with the right equipment to take care of that heavy bloated udder of his.. safe to say he's gonna be there awhile πŸ˜‡πŸ’¦

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