
feel free to ask about my ocs, Meta Knight, King Dedede or whatever it'll be fine :3
+18 so, no minors plz

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OG · 4 answers · 5d

How must it feel to get scolded by Meta Knight? 50% intimidation 50% "why do I want to call him daddy?"

Probably about 40% intimidated might tear up a little cause it happens to easily for me LOL and 60% "I can't decide if I wanna hold him or be an absolute brat with him" 😇

sneaky boos · 18d

Have you ever thought about doing commissions with people's Kirby OC's? Because I'm pretty sure some would stuff made by you.

Oh I already have taken commissions for Kirby oc's before, not even just strictly Kirby ocs either!

Currently my comms are closed at the moment, but I do plan on opening them again at some point when I'm ready again! Though I must warn you I do tend to take a while cause of my dumb perfectionist tendencies so, I only ask for your patience ; v;

Sorry for taking a bit to respond!

MetaFan · 2mo

Mmmmm meta knight wore the curse cow bell mmm cockus Ballus udderus bloat upus

MetaFan · 2mo

Imagine you are heading out and you see a macro meta jacking off (my creativity is a myth)

sneaky boos · 6mo

What do you think about cats?

I think they're the absolute worst creatures and are forever my eternal punishment 💔

/J nah I'm just kidding I love cats! I've had them my whole life and I don't think I'll ever stop having them in my life. Currently I have my only male cat ever, Sebastian. He's the most vocal cat I've had and possibly the dumbest cat too lol but I love him all the same 💙

A little fact about him is he's a Polydactyl cat, meaning he's got an extra digit on both of his front paws!

(I'm feeling a bit down so, figured why not answer a generated question or two lol)

OG · 4 answers · 6mo

What gift would you give your favorite characters?

Ooooh there there's so many blorbos to give gifts to!! But, I'll just focus on my top man..

For mk probably something practical like some comfy bat themed slippers, the softest rope I could possibly find and ~lots of head~ a super comfortable bed fit just for him! Pretty much anything he could get good use out of 💙

or something tasty for him to enjoy! I don't think I'm the best cook in the world but, I do enjoy baking quite a bit! Probably would bake him an assortment of cookies especially my favorites sugar, cherry and snickerdoodles!

PK · 3 answers · 11mo

OK SO i know most people tend to just see meta knight as a collective entity, but i really love when i notice people having certain biases to specific depictions of him lol. and so i ask: what's everyone's favourite version of meta knight, and why? (u all probably know mine is smash shhh)

Hmmm well I do love them all although I'm not too familiar with how he is in the novels ; v;

probably game meta is my favorite one! Amazing mirror was my introduction/first Kirby game and it was all downhill from there gdhdsh It's just so awesome to see how much he's changed from being one of DDD's underlings to the cool, heroic, and chivalrous knight we have today and I always get so giddy seeing him <3 also seeing his colors from the gba/ds era makes me very nostalgic lol

(Pk's favorite is smash??? Never saw that one coming :3c )

MetaFan · 1y

If Macro Meta wanted to eat you would you be scared or aroused?

Probably scared more than anything ; v;

Not too big on being eaten.. at least in that context lmao of course if he wants to eat someone, I'm sure someone else is more than happy to do soooo

MetaFan · 1y

Do you intend on drawing more macro Meta Knight?

yeah probably xD

Marco has always been something that's been in the back of my mind for years and I was never sure if I'd like it or not ..which clearly the answer is obviously now dzngbdgz so yeah, probably will if I can make enough room for him cause he is massive after all <3

sneaky boos · 1y

IT'S THAT TIME OF THE MONTH! JUNE FIRST BABY! What are your sexuality headcanons for Kirby? What are some of your headcanons for their identities?

Finally my time to THRIVE has come😈

And honestly I'm cool with any sexuality for any Kirby characters, I don't really have any set headcanons aside from Meta knight being the biggest disasterous bi boy that has blessed us with his presence (:

of course in my mind everyone is bi but, that's just how it usually goes in my head xD

sneaky boos · 1y

Have you ever thought of doing commissions as of yet?

Oh absolutely! Technically I have taken commissions before just not for nsfw and it's my prices aren't open to the public yet. I do want to in the future! Although I do take a while when it comes to art at times cause of my damn perfectionist tendencies 💀

I'll definitely consider opening commissions at some point!!

PK · 5 answers · 1y

@ everyone sorry for the hiatus! I’ve been neck deep in the new zelda game and decided to just avoid the internet altogether so I wouldn’t get spoiled lol. I’m still playing but I hope to crack down on my inbox soon, but I’m sorry in advance if I’m slow/don’t get to them all 😭

oh that's completely understandable especially since people don't tag spoilers 🙄 hope you're having a fun time with the game pk !!

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