Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

clockworkspider · 8mo

Soowon touch

Her fingertips, marked with unfamiliar callouses, curl over the edge of the pages as she reads. Occasionally, she will place a finger against the text and trace the line it follows, tracking the words with her eyes. She does not look up at him.

She is dreadfully close.

His own eyes have gone hazy for the moment, so it is useless to work. It would be best to return to bed, but he cannot bear to move while Yona still hovers over the texts, desperate for answers. She may never be so close again. He had long dismissed the possibility of a moment like this. There is a foreign sense of gratitude (and stranger, of shame) gathered like fog in his chest.

Is this what one might refer to as "a miracle?" Even if...

Even if he cannot touch her?

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