un petit oiseau · 1y

MalSil kind of have resting pouting faces that has a slight Resting B*tch face under tone. Couple goals.

Right. Silver is always doing the same damn face and malleus is always swimming in his own thoughts. When theyre together they have the same damn expressions like do yall like each other ??? BUT. On rare occasions you’ll see them exchange a sweet little fleeting smile in the hallways, in the cafeteria… :,} only those who glance at them at the right moment can see that they’re actually very in love. And that they have emotions LOL. Besides lilia and sebek who are always with them, idia, leona, and cater clocked them. About idia, you’ll tell me he’s always looking at his screen, but see, something about the quiet ones is they know the tea. They listen. They observe. They stare. I’m one of them that’s how i know. Leona was unfortunate enough to see the lovebirds smile at each other in the greenhouse when they thought they were alone💀 and cater has a powerpoint on the matter that he presented to PMC.

Anyway, when it’s made clear they’re a couple, they look so #cool together. Power couple. Nobody dares talk to them (mostly bc of mal).

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