un petit oiseau · 1y

IdiaSil-But Idia asks Silver to cosplay both his favs and hentai…
Ortho to Silver wearing a cat girl sailor uniform: First time?
Silver doesn’t mind…He doesn’t get how or why it’s attractive. Sometimes. But his bf is happy so it doesn’t matter. Imagine he has a hard drive of Silver pics andvDiasmonia students who thirst for Sil ( but of course do not try to be close to him) pay for Idia’s photos. Sebek is ashamed but Sil in a crocodile theme mini skirt and high boots was too powerful.

OOHOHKFJDDJFJDJFJDJ NOOOO IDIA PIMPING OUT HIS BOYFRIEND… it’s especially evil when you consider idia is a rich boy HE DOESNT EVEN NEED THE MONEY OH IM SICK IM SICK IM SICK. Lilia gets ahold of the pictures too you know it, but only as muscle red. Idia wanted to show off his boyfriend and muscle red was like, oh really what does he look like? Next thing you know the discord chat is flooded with pictures of silver posing clumsily, expression blank as ever, vacant eyes, in a pastel blue bikini… but there’s a charm to it. So THIS is what happens when silver goes to sleepovers at ignihyde. Idia mentions he has ~spicier~ pictures (silver, back arched, showing off his hole stuffed with a butt plug jesus) and ofc lilia tells him to send them.

Heaven help idia if malleus finds out of this lol😭

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