un petit oiseau · 1y

I love soap operas. So imagine Sebe dad, the gentlest person Sebe’s ever known, and he’s the Clover family’s outcast/rebel!! He dreamt of being a dentist which the baker family could not accept!! So he moved to Briar valley. Trey being so conflicted when he sees the similarities between Sebe dad and himself…How he might follow a similar path…


So you’re telling me on top of career drama and human/fae relations… the cousins are in an incestuous relationship and the younger is into dilfs. Anon, why did we just create game of thrones for bakers and dentists.

Okay. Let me create a timeline because this is kind of insane

Treysebe enter a relationship
Sebek meets papa clover, his love for dilfs is unveiled
Sebek comes to the queendom of roses two weeks as trey’s boyfriend and helps out at the bakery
Sebek learns of papa clover’s brother who moved to briar valley to become a dentist and marry a fae, they haven’t spoken to each other in 20+ years
treysebe silently connect the dots. They panic a little. They’re both hard. They’re like no, it’s not right, but they passionately make out and treys like make me stop, sebek, but THEY CANT STOP AND THEY MAKE HARDDDD LOVE OHHH THEYRE COUSINS THEY LOVE EACH OTHER
they play the boyfriends part in front of treys parents ofc… if nobody knows… if they pretend they’re not related, then it’s fine (it’s not fine but they love it!!! Oh my god)
after that it’s trey’s turn to visit the valley. unpaid internship at the dentist office sndnskfjsj. And it can’t be mistaken… papa Zigvolt looks so much like papa clover (wouldn’t it be funny if they were twins jesus)
treysebe fight for their lives. Papa zigvolt mentions Trey looks just like his brother OH MY GODSDJDDJDJDBSB he almost chokes on his water
the nights of passion afterwards though. They’re nasty.
AND THROUGH ALL OF THIS TREY IS WORRIED he will be disowned for wanting to be a dentist. Part of him is ready for it! Ok fine he’ll move to the valley, marry sebek, work for papa zigvolt, and NOBODY WILL KNOW THEYRE COUSINS it gives him such a migraine cause you know all he wants is to not get involved in anything crazy now the most normal man you’ve ever conceived is one of two protagonists of an incestuous drama. Insane

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