un petit oiseau · 1y

Head in hands Great Seven game of thrones with bakers and dentists…Okay okay Trey being in denial, but getting turned on more when Sebek calls him ‘cousin’ or big brother/nii-chan’ ( God why am I making this brocon too?). Sebek feeling like he doesn’t belong anywhere, but Papa Clover makes him feel like he does…Trey feeling like an outcast in Briar Valley internship, but SebePapa is so warm/welcoming. Both feeling so confused….

BIG BROTHER?????????!! ANON YOURE SICK. SICK!!! And I love it. Like fuck it, let’s just make these two boys who have nothing to do with each other commit the greatest sins together. And it fits!!! You know what! Trey is the oldest brother and Sebek is the youngest. Trey examining Sebek’s teeth and Sebek is like, don’t treat me like I’m your little brother! And Trey is like… wait… what if you were? OH MY GOD… atp Sebek is like, Trey you’re disgusting. (With a visible bulge in his boxers).

Sebek is part of the Clover family atp… Trey’s parents love him. The old regulars know his name and vice versa. Gets called handsome by the old ladies. Nobody treats him differently for being half fae! :) And in Briar Valley, Papa Zigvolt makes Trey feel less alone, tells him about fey’s habits… Mama Zigvolt is so nice as well, yk she hugs him and kisses his cheek hehe.

Through all of this, Sebek will come back home and no matter what he wants to do, he will be supported, because his father knows what it’s like to be an outcast in his family. Trey can’t say the same… he’s expected to help at the bakery, help it flourish; as the oldest son, he’s going to be the one to inherit it. But Sebek will feel bad about… his duty as future knight. Sebek’s entire life led up to him serving the king. To find he has a passion and love independent from Malleus… that he’s his own person… it’s fucked up. Malleus doesn’t care, which def makes Sebek feel worse. He’s replaceable… and Trey, at home… he’s irreplaceable. They cope by having lots of cousin sex woohoo

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