un petit oiseau · 1y

Opinions on Silver with a navel piercing? I think it would be kinda erotic because he seems like the type not to have any piercings so it’s like surprise! Also I think he’d weirdly make it look elegant?? Silver is the type to make anything look very pretty tbh

I love It it’s so sexy. Lilia pierced him. Anybody uncovering him would be like :O wayyyyy surprised. Pleasantly surprised, however…!!! It’s so dirty. Raunchy. Slutty. On silver it’s very much expensive diamonds he makes everything look OPULENT but in a simple charming way. I want him to have pretty little discrete jewels like on his ring. Evokes the regality of his bloodline is a slutty but classy way. But. Have you considered nipple piercings……../…………….yeah

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