un petit oiseau · 1y

MalSil trying to get into degradation. Sil being so BAD at it: Sil (confused slight monotone) Your…your hair is less shiny??” Mal: Dear….( still very endeared)
Fluff aside. What if Mal tackles it like, pretends to be a monster that Sil has to defeat for the generational trauma + knife kink too and is a bit more dragon-like for the role play. What if in a dream to make it even more convincing. Sil looking so fierce and knightly ( taking on a beast in every sense of the word XD)

Yuh. I can get behind that. I can see Malleus attempting to rape Silver, literally, but it doesn’t work IRL lol, because Silver sees this sexy ass half dragon prince of the darkness and his pants will be OFF immediately. Like girl. A dream works way, way better, because of how confusing dreams are. Let’s see… Silver post-book 7, traumatized by all these events, Malleus going berserk, Silver having to save him, seeing in his dreams Malleus, half monstrous fucking dragon, pinning this poor boy to the ground, putting the fear of death in him—again. He’s traumatizing him again. Silver fights as muscle memory, survival instincts, the feeling that something is wrong. And Silver, from Mal’s POV, so afraid, thrashing confusedly, because the poor dear is asleep and doesn’t know. Dreams give this opportunity to act in ways you don’t in real life, so Silver is here, subconscious unveiled, angry and afraid and struggling to stab Malleus (his limbs don’t feel like they belong to him.) It’s thrilling. And if Malleus makes way for Silver to fight back, and Silver is on top of him now, piercing his heart over and over as if he’s not sure one stab will be enough, it feels holy (you all know how I love the concept of transverberation.) (here I assume that if you die in a dream, you don’t die in real life.) Malleus’ joy just adds to the surreality of it all. Silver doesn’t know when he penetrated him. Stabbing doesn’t work, so we try the next best thing, choking, and it doesn’t work, and as usual pain and pleasure amalgamate, and they feel so mellow in dreams, and Malleus is still alive, but Silver won’t give up. Malleus has always loved how resilient Silver is. It all makes for a very lovely dream.

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