un petit oiseau · 8mo

your thoughts on rsa!silver? 👀 i can imagine mallesil meeting in the woods just like aurora and phillip HhHHHH

Mallesil meeting in the woods is top 10 most romantic things. And if the handsome, raven haired man appeared in Silver’s dreams before then (perhaps implying Malleus has been…playing with them), it just makes it so much sweeter. Talking about a mysterious man with an aura of regality who stole his heart away, all the little animals around him going 😑not this shit again… and then they meet by chance. Cute.

Hmmm… I’ve analyzed Mallesil through the theoretical frame of Edmund Burke’s sublime and beautiful, and I feel like it’s even more pertinent in this scenario. I will quote Wikipedia: “According to Burke, the Beautiful is that which is well-formed and aesthetically pleasing, whereas the Sublime is that which has the power to compel and destroy us.”

Malleus is the sublime; Silver, the beautiful.

Malleus is a type of man Silver had never seen before, so meeting him randomly like this, watching him slowly, carefully approach the way a human approaches a cat—it’s thrilling, a bit scary. Just the horns and the pointed ears signal he’s not human, therefore stronger, but you wouldn’t even need that to tell that he’s a powerful entity, carrying himself so elegantly for someone of his stature; and the leaves on the trees tremble in fear.

In turn, Silver’s innocence and kindness shine through especially as a RSA boy. He’s been around the good guys his entire life, so he hasn’t been influenced by the diaso bad vibes lol. He’s just as loyal, just as naïve, just as clueless and kind. His beautiful face and colourful garments only affirm his angelic aura. Every living being is drawn to him, even Malleus, especially Malleus.

It’s love at first sight. Songbird choirs, river flow hymns, flower petal confetti, dancing sunlight, violet atmosphere. I need to stress that they’re both absolutely bewildered to have found each other. It feels like they’ve known each other forever (and they have!!!). They’re not exactly strangers, they know of each others existence, their families, their species are enemies, after all, but in the thick of the forest, only the velvety whistling of the wind carries any meaning; meaning, they’re hidden away from all expectations, completely bare before each other, young and free. They forget their lineage in the moment and just… look at each other. Cue a little once upon a dream moment, if that’s your style (it definitely is mine). It’s so sweet and precious, but so delightfully dangerous <3

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