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buzzing lil bee · 2mo

I see where the anon is coming from when it comes to arts. Yeah you talk about dicks and balls but the content you share isn't explicit. I believe what the anon meant to say (but clearly couldn’t) is that the issue is by posting only SFW content in an NSFW space can unintentionally attract people who are looking for SFW content and this can cause confusion or unwanted attention for both the artist and the other NSFW creators in the space, this is what we fight against for years.

Artists like Sasha, Meiylina etc, have separate accounts to share their SFW art because of that, out of respect to other people in the nsfw side, to keep us safe from witchhunts, minors, etc. I think this is the point that you might have missed. It's important to be mindful of the type of content shared and where it's being shared in order to keep a respectful and safe environment for everyone on nsfw twt

I didn't mean to come across as rude or anything, I'm just sharing my perspective because I'm sure there are others who feel the same way but might be afraid to speak up, just like a was for a while now.

hi! i do appreciate that you approached me calmly but i’m afraid i still don’t agree with your message. you are of course entitled to your own opinion and i’m glad you wanted to share your view on this, but i’d like to use this opportunity to further explain why i don’t feel the same, in case anyone else is curious too. this is very long btw, sorry, i just wanted to make sure i wasn’t missing anything.

just like the other anon, i see you mention that i “only post sfw content”, because i don’t post explicit things. while this isn’t even true, there also seems to be a big difference in how we interpret “nsfw”. to me, being a nsfw account does not have to mean posting explicit content; it is more dependent on context. i’d like to reiterate that i am a clearly labeled nsfw account, i talk openly about shipping/sexual fantasies, i retweet very thirsty posts from other nsfw labeled accounts. i don’t post or retweet super explicit things very often, but have never shied away from it completely. but i also don’t think posting explicit things should be a requisite for earning place in this community! i think you’ll find that a lot of pretty big accounts here don’t actually post explicit things at all, and plenty of artists don’t or barely make explicit art, either. imo it’s silly to expect people to post an assigned quota of uncovered genitalia in order to be fully considered a “nsfw account”.

to me, having a dedicated nsfw skiz account simply means you want a space to be able to talk about the members in a sexual/shippy context, without judgment (or like. with as little judgment as possible… we’re all still not very great at not judging each other even within this community tbh). it does not mean you have to do it all the time! like, i’d hope you have some other things to say as well, sometimes :’) but it just means you want to feel safe in doing so when the mood strikes, because you’re surrounded by like-minded people, presumably over 18, who are unlikely to think badly of you because of it. or maybe it even just means you think people here are more chill and simply wanna hang out with us. that’s perfectly fine and valid too, imo!

this is why i try do to curate my space in a way i personally find comfortable by clearly labeling my account and bio, limiting my own interactions to only other nsfw accounts, and censoring important names. i will never assume my account is completely invisible to sfw people (because i am a public account) but this way i am at least doing my part in trying to not actively pop up on random sfw pages- which, i have to say, is still a thing i can’t control atp! that’s simply how the algorithm works, especially when you have more followers and interactions in general. either way, this way i know the people following me are either okay with me posting what i post, don’t care enough to make a fuss, or get unpleasantly surprised and unfollow again (but that’s on them for not checking!).

anyway, i feel like what you really might be trying to say is that my portraits tend to do pretty well and might attract people from sfw to my account and therefore “our side”. first of all, i think that’s once again on them, bc i feel like i make it VERY easy to see that i am an 18+/NSFW account. but also, i’m sorry to tell you this: i have been attracting people from sfw to my account with my nsfw drawings too!! sorry to talk numbers but once you’re a “bigger” account and your drawings get a lot of attention it just.. really barely even matters anymore. my drawings with jsng literally getting pounded in the ass all have close to or well over 100k views.. i can assure you those are not just from nsfw accounts. the divide between sfw and nsfw is not as strict as you might think. lots of my likes, retweets and even comments on nsfw posts come from accounts that don’t normally post explicit stuff themselves! apparently they like that shit too!!

i know the nsfw community (and this fandom in general) used to be a lot smaller, and it was easier and made more sense to keep things pretty tightly separate back then. but with how fast we’re growing and with how the twitter algorithm works now, i simply don’t think it’s realistic to see this as a safe, completely separate bubble. i also think a lot of the people in this fandom barely even care or are aware of the strict divide in the first place, especially newer ones! i’ve been seeing more and more people posting shipping content/sexual fantasies without labeling themselves nsfw or censoring, and i’ve been seeing more people with “sfw but i interact with nsfw” in their bio too. all in all i think it’s no use to try to cling onto the idea of such a strict divide between communities when in reality.. there isn’t! there's just some people out there that really don't fuck with nsfw/shipping stuff, and i think the precautions we are taking by censoring posts (especially when they have an objectifying nature), visibly labeling ourselves as nsfw/rps accounts, and not interacting directly with these people are the best options we have in warding them off. and imo it’s mostly working pretty well!

even so, if nasty people really want to find you, they can and will, no matter how much you censor or check your interactions. what you CAN do to further protect yourself is go private and thoroughly check everyone before you approve them as a follower. that’s it. that’s really the only way to make completely sure that doesn’t happen when you’re in an online space (and even then… i’d like to remind you this is the internet and people lie! i have experienced multiple counts of people lying about their age in this community and i’m sure there’s plenty more who are simply better at hiding). if you don’t want to go private, you can be more eager with the block button. it’s there for a reason! i really encourage you to use it, please make your space as safe and comfortable as possible by blocking people you feel are a hazard to your experience. it really is that simple!!

this answer is already very long (i'm chronically wordy, sorry) but i do want to add a bit more about why i’m only in the nsfw community and haven’t made a sfw account to post my non-explicit art. the reason is quite simple: i like being here. it’s nice to be with other people who are (hopefully) of age, people who don’t care if i talk about how i sometimes want to rip mnhos nipples off with my bare teeth, people who i’ve been talking to for over a year!! if i were to only post my art on sfw i would lose the opportunity to interact with the community i have grown so attached to and feel part of, and isolate myself to a space with lots of strangers, minors, solo stans, people who take stuff way too far, etc. i don’t really see the appeal of that! if i do make a sfw account (and i have been thinking about it!) it would be so that i have a place for my art that i can show more easily to people irl, and so that i can partake in sfw art events, bc those seem super fun. but i’d still want to post my art on my nsfw account too because it is My account, and i want to share my creations with the people i have gotten to know over here :)

in the end my conclusion is still the same: i encourage you to curate your space as you see fit. i feel like i make it pretty clear what i do with my account, and if you think the way i do things is harmful or unpleasant, you can solve that instantly by blocking me and cutting the tie. i’d like to think i’m a pretty reasonable person and i would never shit on someone for distancing themselves from me because i make them feel at risk! i genuinely would like everyone to have a nice time on here. i just also have my own boundaries, so at some point it does become your own responsibility to make decisions and curate your space!

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