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buzzing lil bee · 2mo

hello, read ur ans about sfw visibility. so l am kind of a newbie on nsfw side nd twt in general so can u explain to me the de facto rules about nsfw,sfw nd censoring while interacting nd retweeting,etc

well anon i might honestly not be the best person to ask this as you have obviously also been able to see how some other people would go about this a lot more strictly, but i’ll give it a go! 💕

in general there’s a few different aspects to “following nsfw guidelines”.

firstly, it’s generally appreciated when you are easily identifiable as nsfw. having an 18+ emoji in your name or bio can help a lot, or simply adding “nsfw” in your bio is fine too. this way people will know instantly what kind of content you post/are okay with seeing, which is helpful both for other people on nsfw AND people who don’t want to engage with this content! it also shows minors they’re not welcome in your space. another helpful thing is adding your own age in your bio; a lot of people check if their followers have their age visible so that they can block minors. if you don’t have an age visible you are likely to be yeeted out by quite a few people!

next there is censoring. censoring means simply not using the full names of members or relevant important companies/events/albums etc, so that when people search for those words on twitter, they won’t find your post talking in detail about how you want chngbin to raw you (this is an example of censoring btw; i usually simply take out a vowel or two! other people go a bit further by replacing vowels with numbers or similar-looking letters, as long as it’s still decipherable basically). it does not prevent your posts from showing up on other people’s timelines completely, but at least you can feel assured you won’t show up in the search results. personally i don’t censor every word that has to do with skiz ever bc well… some words are just words! for example if i mention the song cheese somewhere i'd feel less stressed about censoring bc i think ppl are not likely to search for that word in order to see skiz related content, but also it’s literally just a noun lots of other people use too, so i doubt it’s really necessary to censor. but of course you’re free to do it, just to be safe!

finally there is the most vague category of them all, which is... trying to work the algorithm?? twt algorithm is a complicated concept that no one knows exactly everything about so a lot of this is simply guessing and estimating; this is also why i see the most divided opinions on this topic in particular. the thing is, twt will decide for you what you might like to see on your fyp. it does this by. well! great question actually. we don’t know exactly. but in theory it kinda looks at what type of content or person you interact with, and what patterns you and this person have in common, and what other people you follow interact with, and based on that it will push posts you might find interesting underneath your nose in the hopes of you sticking around on this godforsaken app for a little longer. a lot of people feel like a way to influence the algorithm is to make sure you simply don’t interact with accounts that aren’t nsfw at all, so that twt will never feel like it needs to show you sfw people, or show sfw people your posts. however, none of this is 100% foolproof! it is impossible to keep track of every single interaction in a public space with so many people, and we both “sides” of this community are still active during the same events, engaging with content in a way that i'm sure the algorithm will find similar even if we don’t strictly interact. also the algorithm does not read or care about your bio so. it won’t try to keep both “sides” separate!

i personally have no issues simply not retweeting stuff from sfw accounts and i’ll usually just go ham on my priv instead to try and be safe (which btw… i’m pretty sure this app can also more or less detect when you have multiple accounts/tweet from the same location a lot with different accounts, bc i get stuff from my nsfw feed on my priv fyp all the time!! so even if you keep separate accounts i kinda wonder if that even “fixes” it altogether). but i know quite a few people don’t really see this as a thing that matters or believe in the impact of it, and will interact pretty freely with “sfw” posts (while still probably trying to avoid accounts that actively post about how everyone objectifying the members should die or whatever bc that would be a bit too bold maybe). which i think is also fair! it’s up to you how you do this, just be aware that some people do take this very seriously and will not want to interact with you unless you follow the guidelines very strictly.

another thing you can do is try to keep track of who follows or interacts with you and block them if you feel like they’re not part of nsfw. personally i don’t do this bc it’s a lot of work when you have a lot of followers, and also i feel like if they like my content it’s on Them to notice the 18+ in my name and NSFW in my bio. i do block minors or people i feel uncomfortable with for other reasons when i see them, and i think this is a thing a lot of people in this nsfw space tend to do!

so in conclusion, the basic guidelines are: mark your account as 18+/nsfw, mention your age somewhere, censor names of the members/other relevant unique words ppl might search for, limit your interactions to only other nsfw accounts, check and regulate your own followers. i call them guidelines, not rules, because there is no monarch here and you can do with your account what you want; it just means some people will not want to interact with you if you don’t do everything! but that’s not always a bad thing anyway :)

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