Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

buzzing lil bee · 1mo

i'm the one who asked that question about being perceived:
"please don’t actually hide far away, i’m so glad you reached out ❤️" that phrase made me sob uncontrollably and maybe it fixed something in me.
Thank you for your words, it means a lot that you took out time of your day to not only reply but giving me so much advice, sharing your own thoughts and struggles, making me feel less alone in this. Reading through it really felt like a warm hug, you truly are a gem in this space. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. (i copied and pasted your reply in my notes app so i can reread it whenever i need to.)

i’m really so so happy i was able to reach you with my answer!! i’ve just been through a lot of these feelings myself and honestly still regularly experience struggles, so one of the main things id like to do here is not just share my art but also share my experiences and my love with people… if i can help someone through something by simply being their safe space or listening to their struggles or letting them know they’re not alone, that truly gives my life meaning too!!! whenever someone reaches out like that i just feel so honored, and also in awe bc i know it can be hard ❤️ so thank you again, and know you’re always welcome to message me again :)

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