Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Secret Sprite · 11mo

Hello! Sorry if this question seems stupid but I just wanted to guarantee... Is this zine for-profit, for-charity or split? In your FAQ you claim that the ideal would be to compensate contributors with the full physical bundle but it doesn't say anything besides that so I'm confused if there'd be further compensation or if it'd go to charity 😅

It's not a stupid question! Sorry for being unclear.
At the moment, the answer to the question depends how much interest we get on the interest check, as that will determine if we go physical or not.
If we go physical, the project will likely be for-profit. If it's digital, mods will have to discuss if we want it to be free, for charity, or for profit.

After the results of the interest check come out, we will announce exactly what we'll be doing (physical or digital and for profit/charity or free) so everyone is aware before contributor applications!

The carrd has been edited to reflect this, we hope this helps!

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