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Secret Sprite · 7mo

If my social media account names change after application has been sent (making the social media links invalid), would it affect my chances :O

Nope! Not everyone includes social media and it's perfectly fine if the links don't work. We'll still judge your application accordingly as long as the sample links still work. Thanks for checking with us about it!

Secret Sprite · 7mo

hello! i submitted my application as soon as it opened, and i was hoping i wouldn’t encounter any issues. however, i recently learned that a co-author deleted my work without my consent, and now two of my sample fics that i submitted have broken ao3 links :(. is there any way i can resubmit the links? my samples were deleted just yesterday and i really had con control over this deletion

Oh no! We're so sorry that happened to you. If you submitted before June 9th, your application has likely already been judged and we haven't run into any mods commenting on this issue, so it's highly likely that your links still worked when mods went over it.

If you're still worried though, you can always DM us! Just mention the name you submitted under and send us the new links and we'll double check things.

Secret Sprite · 7mo

Hello, I just submitted ny application so excited! But I selected a large number of Ghibli movies because I had read that "select 5 or more" i'm so sorry😭 I do not have a preference among the selected movies, as I enjoy all of them equally so I would be happy to draw any of them. Hope that's okay🥺

That's fine!! Thanks for letting us know. It's more just to see the general spread of interest but it won't affect your application so no worries at all! We're also very excited, and thank you for applying!

Secret Sprite · 8mo

hello! for writers' portfolios, do all pieces follow the same, 500-2k limits? what are the specifications?

For writers' portfolios, no the pieces included don't have to follow the app limitations! They can be any length, any rating, etc.

Basically we're just expecting something like an ao3, Google Doc, or carrd/other hosting site to check out more writing if we decide to dig a little more past the 3 samples provided. However, we strongly urge making the 3 main samples your best work as not every mod will look over portfolios! They're just there in a "just in case" situation if mods feel the need.

We hope this helps!

Secret Sprite · 8mo

What are you looking for in an artist's portfolio?

Hello! Make sure to check out the guidelines/info doc for more information. The guidelines posted there are framed for the 3 examples for the application but they are also applicable for the portfolio! We hope this helps.

Secret Sprite · 8mo

Hi! Can an artist apply for both page art and merch art (even if they only intend to have one of the roles)?

Hello! Most definitely you can apply for both! We encourage it really. Just note in your application that you're only interested in one or the other!

Secret Sprite · 8mo

Hi, I was wondering how are the movies/assignments going to be divided among contributors?

We're going to have pitches! So all contributors will be required to submit pitches of ideas that they'd like to do for the zine and mods will vote and give out assignments. We're going to work hard to ensure that there's a good spread of movies so we'll be asking contributors to pitch for more than 1 film and we'll have other such rules for pitches so we can better divvy up the films in a fair way!

Secret Sprite · 8mo

Hello! Would it be alright to share 5+ pieces for artist applications or are we strictly capped at 5? Just want to double-check!

Secret Sprite · 8mo

When sharing AO3 links as samples in our application, should the work be publicly available? I have set most of my works to be only available to those with an AO3 account.

Secret Sprite · 9mo

If I've never written any fic for Studio Ghibli movie fandoms, can I still apply as a contributor?

Yes you can! We recommend Studio Ghibli pieces but we don't require them. You're more than welcome to submit your best pieces from other fandoms!

Secret Sprite · 9mo

Hi! I’m interested in participating as an artist particularly, and I was wondering if it is required/heavily recommended to have a Studio Ghibli piece as part of our samples?

Hi there! We're so excited about your interest! It's recommended to have a Studio Ghibli piece, however, it is NOT required. You can definitely apply and get onto the zine without one!

Secret Sprite · 11mo

Will your artist roster have very diverse visual styles, or are you aiming for a specific look and only want artists who fill that desired style?

We'll be looking for diverse styles! We aren't looking for a specific "look", we think having a large variation will make it better for buyers who will get to enjoy a wide range of different styles. <3

Secret Sprite · 11mo

Hello!! Im interested in participating in the zine, the problem is my age since i'll be turning 18 a few days before the finals are due according to the schedule. Can i still apply? or its strictly for 18+ regardless if the contributor turns 18 during the creation process?. Just curious since i dont find a project like this so often :D

Hi there! Thanks so much for your interest!

At this time we're only taking those who are 18+ or would turn 18 during the application process, not during creation. Thanks for checking with us about it!

Secret Sprite · 11mo

Hello! Sorry if this question seems stupid but I just wanted to guarantee... Is this zine for-profit, for-charity or split? In your FAQ you claim that the ideal would be to compensate contributors with the full physical bundle but it doesn't say anything besides that so I'm confused if there'd be further compensation or if it'd go to charity 😅

It's not a stupid question! Sorry for being unclear.
At the moment, the answer to the question depends how much interest we get on the interest check, as that will determine if we go physical or not.
If we go physical, the project will likely be for-profit. If it's digital, mods will have to discuss if we want it to be free, for charity, or for profit.

After the results of the interest check come out, we will announce exactly what we'll be doing (physical or digital and for profit/charity or free) so everyone is aware before contributor applications!

The carrd has been edited to reflect this, we hope this helps!

Secret Sprite · 11mo

Hello, I would like to apply as formatting/layout mod, I see a space to enter a link to my past zine projects on the form but no space to link a portfolio to actually show what I’ve done (most are for-profit projects that cannot be consulted without having purchased the zine). Is it possible to add a space for such a link? TIA!

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