Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Secret Sprite · 7mo

hello! i submitted my application as soon as it opened, and i was hoping i wouldn’t encounter any issues. however, i recently learned that a co-author deleted my work without my consent, and now two of my sample fics that i submitted have broken ao3 links :(. is there any way i can resubmit the links? my samples were deleted just yesterday and i really had con control over this deletion

Oh no! We're so sorry that happened to you. If you submitted before June 9th, your application has likely already been judged and we haven't run into any mods commenting on this issue, so it's highly likely that your links still worked when mods went over it.

If you're still worried though, you can always DM us! Just mention the name you submitted under and send us the new links and we'll double check things.

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