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Slime Guzzlers · 3d

Garf, if a wood chuck chucks wood, then what does a pound of C₁₁H₁₅NO₂ do to the brain. Chucks you to heavens gate? Or straight to the judgements of Anubis? Or maybe even a third much more pleasant option, maybe youll wake up with magic powers, to control all wood chucks? Such are the questions that have plagued my mind.

whatever the fuck that compound is has nothing on garfs mystery elixir fermented in the ground for roughly 5 years. I wish this was a joke but it is not

Slime Guzzlers · 4d

all sweat is made equal. it is merely Heightened by the qualities of its owner. to answer your question: gebura (various samples), binah (various samples), netzach (balls), rodion (everywhere), donqui (armpits, underboob), outis (various samples), olga (underboob), yan (armpit), moses (various samples), yujin (everywhere), ozen (underboob), nikaido (armpit), etc. all stored next to my saved monster cans in no particular order

Slime Guzzlers · 5d

Garf, favorite cereal? With cow juice or aronge joice? 🤯

big fan of cheerios with milk. I don't have cereal much anymore tho I usually just do a bagel and apple juice if anything for breakfast

Slime Guzzlers · 6d
Slime Guzzlers · 6d

Garf, if you could perform alchemy what would you make? me personally id try to make the purest form of cocaine and od while drinking chocolate milk with a side of sour patch kids

fake answer I'd alter my appearance however I want whenever I want real answer big chicken wing and gallon of milk

x · 7d

55 Burgers 55 Fries 55 Tacos 55 Pies 55 Cokes 100 Tater Tots 100 Pizzas 100 Tenders 100 Meatballs 100 Coffees 55 Wings 55 Shakes 55 Pancakes 55 Pastas 55 Peppers 155 Taters

Slime Guzzlers · 7d

The world when they release Sinking Don Quixote

the picture of the guy from phineas and ferb holding the milk and chicken will be me when sinking donqui releases

Slime Guzzlers · 7d

Garf, I aint got nothing funny to say rn. cotton candy thing kinna drained me so um, hows your month been? hope youve been usin your pride identities, and uh, have a good night man. or whatever time it is i dont know

cotton candy existentialism takes a lot out of a fellow. been living the kinda month i wont remember in a completely neutral way. have a blessed whenever it is for you for being the only person asking me real questions on here

Slime Guzzlers · 8d

it's crazy how many things are like impossible to understand how they were ever invented. like electronics are obviously like Huh but even like the first mf to juice an apple. like what the fuck does that even mean if you dont know what juice is. or who decided that stepping on grapes and then leaving the juice out to ferment would make delicious slop that makes your brain feel funny

Slime Guzzlers · 8d

You like Monster Hunter AND Project Moon AND Made In Abyss???? You are so cool

i wear a large conical hat that says "MEDIA ENJOYER" in impact font. im much slower to consume nowadays tho so most of what i like is what i grew up with

Slime Guzzlers · 8d

Why the questions in here always so... "interesting"

Slime Guzzlers · 8d

Garf, if you could meet a limbus author who would it be? On another note, im curious how pretty and dapper hermann hesse was in his prime, oh to live in the early 1900's... maybe not... coal mines and stuff...

prolly emily bronte tbh she'd likely be pretty chill and have a nice cup of tea. downside is she's british :/

Slime Guzzlers · 9d

I need sinking sinclair like jfk needed a bullet to his brain

Slime Guzzlers · 10d

Garf, could you listen to Spring by Kim Jeong-Mi and tell me your opinion 🐧

i am quite a fan tbh. the guitar and vocals are mixed in a really pretty and kinda ethereal manner. ive been in the mood for calm soothing tracks lately so it hit the spot rn for sure. certified garfcore

Slime Guzzlers · 9d

Garf, would you rather have infinite lunacy but no rodya, or only Rodya, Rodya only team, but no Rodya?

whenever you have a stroke do you come to my retrospring before going to the hospital

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