anon ☆ · 19d

exols always react by blaming junmyeon. asking him to speak up about something he's not involved in? saying they are boycotting his activities because he's under sm entertainment? hard to believe the things being said about him would have been asked from another member. it just pushes fan away and turn them into solos and we cannot blame them

yeah..unfortunately there’s always some people who fall straight into sm’s trap of making this an internal issue rather than exo vs company 😞 there’ll always be some fans who have a very shallow view of the members relationships and roles, and understanding of how any of this works. they don’t realise this is way beyond his pay grade and nothing he can help with, or that it just harms all of them to try and boycott activities..sigh. I wish we could be a stronger community for the boys at times like this, but it gets so messy and fragmented (and disappointing that he’s still viewed the way he is) ☹️

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