anon ☆ · 19d

sm entertainment is shit and that's not up for discussion, however I'm extremely disappointed in CBX. How do you reach an agreement and instead of having an actual paper agreement you set verbal agreement? That's amateur. If they didn't record the meeting they can't prove it. I have no hope they will win this and now the winter album is canceled. 2nd time in a row they mess the group activities. At this point I really don't care anymore and wish everyone followed their own path

it’s also wise to be distrusting of media and reports that are purposely putting blame on members. it’s to sm’s advantage when the fandom fractures and can focus on the distress of members ruining things instead of on what’s actually happening. how definite are reports about an alleged comeback allegedly getting cancelled? how definite is the blame on their side when we know sm have cancelled schedules then pointed the finger at the boys? and have a history of mistreatment, media manipulation and overall being big stinky liars?
I’ve been following this slowly to be absolutely sure of details/mistranslations/misinformation being spread during a hectic stressful time, but we know the group and fans are their priority. and whatever happens it’s only impacting on the other members solos because fans are acting up. they’re doing this not just because of their own poor treatment but to help other artists too, so of course sm want them to be demonised. I don’t believe what’s being reported about the album, but either way I’d rather the guys persisted in doing what’s right for themselves and others under the company

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