anon ☆ · 16d

Not only was the AI use in Suho's mv innocuous compared to R V and ae, but the difference in outrage by reveluvs/mys and exols against their respective faves have been ???? ("it's all sm's fault" "they should leave sm" "my faves deserve better" VS "suho's music has become cheap, mediocre and I'll not support his music anymore") Has it ever occured to anyone of you pseudo intellectuals that suho is also mistreated by sm and they didn't put efforts on his music videos? I hate exols and wish them nothing but misery. Ngl the cbx drama and the scrapping of winter album made me so happy that's what this fandom deserves for treating suho like that. Hope he's free from this circus soon

I don’t understand your use of innocuous in this scenario. and as you’re talking to me directly, I did raise that fans should understand this was a crappy low effort move from sm. they were able to get away with giving him a pitifully small budget thanks to filling the mv with genai art, but the majority of fans didn’t seem to read it that way because on the surface it appears to be a very full video. I also raised that the cheapness factor is a concern FOR him. the conflict of interests with his image is a concern FOR him and how these things will come to reflect on this moment in his career when times and attitudes to this technology have moved on. he absolutely did deserve better than this, he deserved to have real art commissioned like he did in the past. junmyeon’s own fans, and even then only the anti-ai ones, were upset that this happened, but it was for the b-side of his solo and by all means not as obviously poorly executed as what’s happened with rv. their artists and the staff they employ all deserve better than this

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