Joanne. ≽^•⩊•^≼ · 5 answers · 1y

if you wrote a book about falling in love with someone you can't have, what would the last line be?

“You were sunshine to my then-cold heart, a plethora of warmth that melted my walls away. Yet, just as like the sun, you were out of reach. So perhaps this is the point at which I stop reaching for the sky and keep you safe in a corner of my heart, one that will hurt a little every time I see the sun.” | This is more like the last paragraph, but I guess that’s it :]

“I really don't know how to make you happy or how to have you as mine but i know seeing you happy from afar, it makes me happy. Be happy.”

I've always dreamt of the thought of you being mine, of you loving me and waking up everyday with you being in my arms. But who would have known I could never have that luxury of this, rather letting it remain a dream.

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