abell · 27 answers · 21d

if tomorrow never comes, how would you like to spend your day?

if i were given prior notice and the funds to do whatever i want, i will eat carbonara and watch some movies then i will send some of the funds to mom & dad. i would regret a lot of things if i didn’t know tomorrow never comes. it’s a bit sad :<

beneran ngelakuin sesuatu yg bermakna sii, like spending time with my fams and friends, do something that I never do in my life, confess to my crush (in case if I have one wkwkwk)

humm, i'll spend my day with good food, talk much with my beloved peoples, and say thanyou and sorry for everyone(?) idk...

If tomorrow never comes, I'd want to spend my day surrounded by the people I love, creating lasting memories. I'd start with a heartfelt breakfast with my family, sharing stories and laughter. Then, I'd spend quality time outdoors, perhaps taking a walk in nature or visiting a favorite spot. I'd make sure to tell everyone how much they mean to me and enjoy simple pleasures like a good meal, meaningful conversations, and perhaps watching a beautiful sunset. Ending the day with a quiet, peaceful moment of reflection and gratitude would be the perfect conclusion.

Under a cold and cozy weather, drinking a warm cup of tea and dressed perfectly to keep myself warm. Just basking and enjoying the little time I have left in comfortable silence. Yes, I would love that.

aku mau habisin waktuku sama orang-orang yang aku sayang, terus mau mam makanan yang enak-enak abis itu aku mau sendirian aja deh... enjoying my time...

To be honest i am torn between distancing myself from my surroundings so my death wouldn’t pain them, but at the same time i would love to spend my remaining time with my loved ones and reminiscing the old times. I can’t choose </3

I would spending my time with my mom and watching all k dramas series yang sempet aku drop, after that i will sleep as much i want

aku mau makan banyak makanan enak sama semua orang yang aku sayang, terus tidur pake selimut yang hangat dan nyaman.

i would like to write on my journals and listen to music. will be hoping that i'm near a beach so i could feel the breeze and sit there for awhile. i don't know whether or not i want someone to talk if tomorrow never comes (maybe i do have someone in mind). i'm just gonna do whatever i like for the hell out of it without having to worry about anything or everything. living the life because the world is finally ending

I'll spend all day in my kitchen with all my homies, and we're gonna eat yummey food and share all the laughter happily

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