Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

My sweet friend · 4mo

one thing I’m grateful for of this tour is the jyungseok moment it has given us I wish we got a live from them or some type of content with just them too🥹

i've feel so grateful for the tour/stage moments we got so far (although japan/yura yura era content will always be superior for our jyungseok...we always get amazing moments over there 🩷) ...i do wish we could see them actually in a live though because that's so different...casual, relaxed, just having a conversation and ugh it'd just be so amazing to see 🥺 i sincerely hope we can manifest this into happening but my fear is that jw is being restricted in ways by w1 and that this might also contribute to us not getting a live.... hope we can though! or they can just do it and ask permission later LOL

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