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My sweet friend Β· 3mo

why did taerae save matthews phone number as matthewris? i mean like what does matthewris mean 😭

i don't think he ever gave us a full explanation but he did mention the nickname again when he was on live from his new bedroom, talking about his new mattress! so i think it's just a play-on-words and he thought it was cute and reminded him of mtw. which honestly, for a T, that is especially endearing that the man who has everyone saved so formally decided to put a cute nickname for matthew (and only matthew). he also has yujin as "maknae yujin" but that's less of a nickname and more of just an addition to the name. 😜

this was like a year ago too and him and mtw are even closer now, so i'd LOVE to know if that nickname has been updated πŸ‘€ maybe to one of the newer nicknames he calls him (jagiya, honey, sweetheart, wife)........ it might be wishful thinking but i don't think the possibility is zero πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

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