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My sweet friend · 3mo

In response to you feeling unmotivated to finish HMOG because of other stories out there. I’m here to tell you I have been thinking about this story for months since i read it. I come back to ao3 habitually to see if there’s an update. It’s singehandedly one of the best pieces of work i’ve seen on this website in a long time. I truly hope you could see it through our eyes and see it for the masterpiece it is. :,) I shall be patiently waiting for those last 3 chapters 😖😫💜

Sorry this took me a few days to reply to but messages like this are so rare and so special that I kept rereading it. I even opened my hmog chapter 6 wip yesterday too and read it again and the outline for the final three chapters and it did make me yearn to go back to there again. Thank you so much for this and for reminding me that there's someone out there that really loves and appreciates the fic as much as a I loved writing it 🥺🥺 You have no idea how much your message has touched my heart and I want to genuinely thank you for that and for helping to motivate me 🥹💜💜

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