anonymous horndog · 1mo

was there a specific tutorial you were following for the frazetta studies you were doing a while back? i'm trying to find a set of instructions for my friend who was interested in improving their anatomy and remembered you doing it but i can't remember what rules you were following

i didn't really have a hard rule, but what i Did was get a pack of images from grafit studios, assign every image in it a number, and then for two weeks i used random number generator to pick an image to use. for the first week i would trace the pose, then draw the pose from reference, and then draw the pose from memory. and for the second week, i would trace the basic shapes of the figure in a thin line, fill it with a neutral gray, and then paint the values from observation. and i only gave myself an hour to do these (though i often "finished" before the hour was up)

so tell them to do that

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