Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous · 10mo

Hi there, what sort of tools do you use to make your music? I thought about doing it as a beginner if you have any shared advice, thank you

hello! i use fl studio 21. it's not cheap, but there is a trial version that you can at least play around with for a while, despite the restrictions. also, if you're savvy, you can just pirate it. notably, lisa: the painful's ost exclusively utilized the trial version of fl studio and various samples...
whatever DAW you end up trying, i'd recommend first and foremost figuring out the most important keyboard shortcuts for what you want to do. fighting an unintuitive UI every step of the way while trying to learn is a very easy way to get discouraged, in my experience. in fl studio, for instance, f6+f7+f9 each focus some very useful windows.
VSTs (things that make noises) and plugins (things that alter noises) will also impact your experience. i recommend starting small, since downloading 200 things all at once can be kind of overwhelming to sort through as a beginner! vital is a free VST that's very robust, and there's plenty of youtube tutorials on how to make particular sounds in it. i also get a lot of mileage from the free ("discover") version of spitfire's bbc orchestra. and if you're after some fun distortion, i use ohmicide a lot. it's free on the official site.
for vocals, i either use the free version of synthesizer V, or i record my own voice in audacity.
at least for me, making music involves a lot of experimentation and play, and a lot of the initial inspirations for my songs stem from a single cool noise or effect i managed to come up with.
i also use a lot of samples in my work, and i (mostly) source them from royalty-free sites, such as but if you're not setting out to monetize your work, you have wayyyyy more options. get creative! music is as limitless as any other kind of art. and it doesn't have to be perfect--all that matters is that you had fun making it, imo (:

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