Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous · 7mo

Have you seen Made in Abyss? I feel like it may be up your ally. Specifically Prushka / Bondrewd (won’t spoil it but they have a peculiar relationship)

i tried reading it a while ago, but fell off of it long before meeting bondrewd... i think the art style doesn't really have much appeal for me. i should give it another go sometime, because i am curious about him, but... i can't say i'm terribly motivated about it right now, particularly when i haven't seen a single other design from it that i'm interested in.

broadly speaking, this... wall-eyed moeblob way of drawing faces really doesn't work for me. it's actually a large reason why i never watched madoka, either. 😅 thank you for thinking of me, though.

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