
18ft tall shape-shifting tentacle mass

gay jail
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I'm scriting hell.


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Anonymous Coward · 2y

what's your opinion of m4?

~ · 2y

if you were forced to choose between GNU Bash, Fortran 77, and ANSI C on any program you would happily write in POSIX sh, which would you choose?

I made promises to never write C, and I stand by them... I couldn't write bash without killing myself

so prob fortan

Anonymous Coward · 2y

why dicks? I expect a full essay

hmm, won't give you an essay, but I will say this;

shape, smell, look, feel, taste, all the different range of sizes... yea,,,,,,,,

Anonymous Coward · 2y

why do people post?

to let out the pain trapped inside(?)
least thats alot of why I do, but I also get bored

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Hi Mia, I am Atropos, would love to know more about you...

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Why does your (retrospring) avatar have so much tabletop rpg art-style/feel?

idk, was old picrew I made, I went search through my [Media] section and found it so I used it

Anonymous Coward · 2y

idk the phrase "genital unenjoyer" occurred to me and I couldn't think of any way to express it as a question so you got that.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

What does "dick enjoyer" mean?

Amolith · 2y

Assuming you watch anime, what's your fav?

I don't watch much, normally only do when my partner wants to watch something with me; of the few we've watched, my fav would be Assassination Classroom

Anonymous Coward · 2y

mia roguelike when.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Visual novel engine in sh when?

visual novels,,,, hmm,,, that would be cool to make,, I could pair it with my idea of a tui engine

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