rhys · 13 answers · 3mo

hello friends ! i am very curious !what’s a stim you do ? ♪( ´▽`)

i usually just twirl or touch or stroke or lightly pull on my hair, but i've also been known to rub my body against walls when i'm stressed and/or anxious.

I like to scratch the sides of my nails a lot(like where the hangnails usually are), I bite cheek skin off of the inside of my cheeks, I pick my face a lot too

fidgeting, rubbing our face really roughly, picking at our lips or counting our surroundings a lot and sometimes taking things like caps in our mouth and biting the shit out of it until it's unrecognizable

i have a lot... snapping, meowing, balling up my fists and shaking them are some of the ones i do more often. also like "lalala"

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