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🦋 yuta lover & yumark enjoyer 💗
hello my dear yutettes 🧡 i am back already (annoying i know 😭) (that shot of yt’s pretty ass hands on mk’s shoulder 🥴) (that fact that there are many more is 🥴) (right, right, in krispy kreme lady’s voice) (cl and rj’s reaction 👀) that moment is the main point for this message for many reason, mk’s flustered giggle is so precious, i am just so curious on yt’s thought process because until i saw the longer clips i realized he lifted their hands after mk started singing to him which makes me so 🥰, the 1:37 clip also shows their usual dynamic, constantly turning to each other, there’s something so beautiful about a moment that happens in less than two minutes and just reflects them overall, which is telling in my opinion. the lifting of their hands like i mentioned to you at this point i think is a motif for them
just wanted to add this because for some reason i thought of ym immediately, whether it was in the crushing stages or when it started to feel inevitable to deny such feelings (if that makes sense)
Thank you for listening and i’m wishing you a fantastic 2024, filled with love and warmth ❤️
those yumarkten pics are so 😵💫😵💫😵💫
mark's cute little yuta~ never fails to make me smile hehe :3 just so adorable
pleaseeeeee jn in the yumark nye clips absolutely kills me 😭 he's just :) baby i'm not even here....i'm a hallucination :) which i mean is also exactly how i'd be acting in that situation
the hand lifting thing is just soooo cute 🥹 i have a little giggle every time i see it happen
i can't see that last tweet anymore (boooo) but i'll take your word for it hehe
thank you for your continued patience and always popping in! i hope you're doing well <3
i was reading your xiao/mark/yuta and in the comments you mentioned a part 3, i was wondering if it’s still in your mind?
GREAT QUESTION .....🏃🏾♀️🏃🏾♀️🏃🏾♀️
(i really don't know 😭😭😭 maybe one day but not for a long time i think)
i’m back again because that moment of yt giving mk taps hit me more than i thought. this isn’t the first time he does something like this like in the concert setting or just in general (like when they’re filming content), but it stuck out to me because he looked over and did a double take (i’m assuming that he noticed mk) and decided to go over even if it was for a couple of seconds. it was an overall just stressful environment and atmosphere with (obviously how they’ve been treated by their company) how that concert was made and came to be (just too much going against it, unethical in many ways but that’s another story), and those litttle taps and gesture of reassurance and comfort is what makes me too fond of them. after seeing some clips it seems that (i’m guessing) because of the amount of people they are, they were divided by the same groups throughout the different sections of the venues (like for the songs where they could like walk around) so it makes sense that they were never next to each other except for the pictures posted. also this is something that has been annoying me recently but it’s like i’m noticing the cherry melon community like losing it and like saying these odd things like do we not know them and the nature of their relationship? this year has been very very hard for them and i would like to think that when they do get to see each other that it’s solely their time because their relationship with one another is not ours but theirs. do you see what i’m trying to say? anyways had to let it out there because we should try to be understanding with their circumstances. okay lastly i saw your tweet about yt and the dreamies and after 2*20 i’ve wondered the same thing like (some examples) when cl said that ym came over, their reactions after the mama 2021 awards microphone red carpet moment (yuta-ssi?), and their reaction when mk thanked yt in one of the japanese concerts for helping him with his ment. lastly, i might have said this before but especially now, the more time passed in this year (these last 6 months) the more i see how significant and profound mk’s message to yt in the ‘to us’ video is. anyways, thanks for hearing me out and i am still being hopeful for our community 😭 wishing you a wonderful week and cheering you on always!
random links: (this live is dear to me but this part just makes me extra 🥴 thinking about how they talk to each other on the daily basis, i’ve mentioned the japanese aspect but it never fails to make me :(, it’s just so precious to me)
helloooo sorry it took me MONTHS to answer ;-; but yeah, i'll never tire of yumark's little reassurances to one another 🥹 they're so sweet <33
re: the community...yeah, it definitely died down, but when you initially asked this question, it was definitely happening. that's what the mute/block buttons are for hehe!! it definitely is weird to see imo (esp when people were being weird about mrk wearing the necklace ty gifted come on we should love seeing mark be loved by his members), but nothing we can do!
THAT RED CARPET MOMENT HAUNTS ME BC WHAT WAS THAT?????? suspicious suspicious you're all so suspicious 🤨
i wonder if mrk has given yuyu guitar lessons yet?? it'd be sooo cute oh to be a fly on the wall during their sessions ;-;
yumark and their japanese oh i can't even bear to think about it 😭😭😭 SO ADORABLE SO SWEET </333
sorry again for taking so damn long to answer :( i truly do enjoy seeing you in my rs and hope to see you again sometime!! take care, i hope life is treating you kindly <3
firstly it makes me feel better that you feel better!
“trying to dive more into the off-cam stuff, the moments that are quieter but fundamental to their relationship”this is exactly how i see them and their relationship, how much those moments between them behind the camera made things more real, increased the fear but at the same time brought comfort and ease about how they’ve been constants in each other’s lives, even as they grow (maybe they felt that their relationship never needed an explanation until things got more and more intense). idk if i’m wording this properly but i feel like they walked/guided each other through that fear even as it was getting to themselves. i told you before but i don’t think anyone has written them to this extent/depth. also i’m so glad you understood the shell thought, i knew you would 😭 it’s crazy because so much of what you’ve written about and overall how you perceive them is so similar to my own perception it makes me 🥴 because like are you in my head. and with you saying “especially doing yta character study stuff bc he's just so fascinating to me. his relationship with loneliness itself is something i could tinhat and write so much about” again are you in my head, i’ve also thought of that and how solitude and its presence in his life has manifested. generally i’m fascinated with how he thinks, that’s why i love reading his interviews. it makes me think of what mk said about how he “absorbs things in a kind of innocent way.” lastly i had not realized how many times they’ve referenced them being in each other’s future and just in general implying it (like the moment that inspired one of your beautiful creations “i want it all with you”) and this moment that especially makes me 👁👁
i will continue to cheer you on!! sending you inspiration and motivation to work on your beautiful longfic ❤️
STOPPP THAT CLIP IS SOOOOOO CUTE the way yuyu moves so willingly into mark's space 😭😭😭 aruuuuuughhhhh sometimes the smallest yumarkisms really hit you like a freight train
it's cool that we're on the same wavelength re: yumark thoughts!!! "i feel like they walked/guided each other through that fear even as it was getting to themselves" i def do agree with this. i feel like there were moments one of them was more fearful of a certain situation than the other, and that's when the other party is able to help/guide even tho they themselves are scared too. sometimes i think it's easier to be brave for someone else than it is to be brave for yourself.
re my longfic, i think it'll be interesting to explore yuta's relationship with loneliness and how it impacts his relationship with mark, especially during their fight. i imagine him as a person who doesn't take the first step towards reconciliation bc he's giving the other person space, and i think this has potential to be his downfall in yumark specifically, bc we know that mark gives people the silent treatment when he's mad. so now we have to hurt people who aren't talking to each other but are also very unused to not talking to each other, so it's very ?????? idk i think it'll be fun to write especially since i prefer writing fluff haha i'm excited to challenge myself with making them flawed and writing about the uneasy/uncomfortable bits of their relationship.
awwww i loved writing i want it all with you!! doyoung was insane as hell for saying that during the interview my god
tysm for your support!!!! i feel the good vibes hehe <33
i- i really don’t know where to start. i am speechless like i don’t even know the amount of times i said “this is crazy” out loud while reading your new piece. as i was reading it really felt like just when i thought i couldn’t get any better it got better. the “give me a kiss, baby” made me go ahhhhhhhhhh and 🥺 and then it got to the “open your mouth” i kid you not i got shivers like you went allllll out. there was a point where my hand was covering my mouth like it was that good. i am already in love with your writing and then you release this like what!!! you’re able to express the feelings so well and looking back at your other ym pieces you really have been able to nail different parts/sides of yuta and maintain a consistent illustration of their essence, the passion, the devotion, the juxtaposition of their desperation while also taking their time, the giggling, all of it. thank you for sharing your writing. i don’t even think what i wrote is enough to describe how reading it felt and how your writing makes me feel and i am sure i am not the only one who feels like this
it wouldn’t be a message from me if it isn’t all over the place i forgot to add these to my previous message:
0:58 this tone when he says “sexy” drives me crazy
lastly mk needs to cut his hair like it’s damaged damaged but the evident yt influence on his hair experimentation makes me a little dizzy
thank you again and i hope you’re doing better, you’re having a wonderful week so far, and that work is doing well <3
hello nonnie lets pretend it didn't take me 3 months to answer asjdbasdhb thank you for letting me know you enjoyed my fic!!! it's always extremely appreciated and helps me feel better whenever i doubt my writing skills <33
that clip where mark's talking about yuta....BIG SIGH. he just can't help himself lmfaooo he needs everyone to know that he finds yuta cute and sexy or else he'll die
the touch behind the scenes clip eeeeeeee ;-; so cute i can't stand it
and i guess me taking so long to answer has an upside because YAY we can celebrated mark's hair finally being cut! do you like the undercut?? i think it suits him 🥰
thank you for popping in and for your patience with me <33 i hope YOU'RE doing well friend 💖
firstly i hope your time away from here has helped you, i hope you don’t feel pressure to come back soon, take as much time as you need :)
i’m just going to take this time to rant like i usually do, thank you for listening to me
i wanted to ask are you going to include m*hae and y*win in your long fic? i see people saying they miss y*win and everything and i don’t want to take away from w’s relationship with y or the rest of the 127 members because idk how it was/is behind cameras but when i have stumbled or happen to stumble upon clips of y*win it makes me wince to see such rejection. one of the things that i love about y is how he feels his feelings earnestly and embraces their rawest forms (even when he gets shy) and not everyone can handle that. i am not trying to antagonize anyone or forcing people to reciprocate something they don’t feel but it’s just weird that this is continuing to 2023 and that whole thing with mk being called ww’s replacement when it has made clear that ym’s bond was always there and just blossomed with time. seeing yt express himself the way he did even as a rookie and to grow more and more into himself as the years pass by is so fulfilling even if i wasn’t there to witness it since the beginning. i don’t know if i’m explaining myself well but it feels nice for y to be understood. i think both m and y feel misunderstood to a certain level (y with his overall character and with mk it is often the way he speaks) but they’ve gotten to a place where they’re each other’s security/ home. i think this is why i love yt’s “my way” so much
idk if it’s just me but there’s something about this hug that was different from the usual ones idk how to explain it’s a new kind of softness (the way it was edited/cut is ?? too)
also i can’t stop thinking of this tweet
two random ym that make me feel fuzzy
lastly since mk has voiced his want for piercings and tattoos himself i keep thinking about that being like a moment for them and yt being there with him for when he does (or mk being there for one of yt’s previous ones but who knows with scheduling both back then and especially this year 😭)
my dear yutettes i hope that your light will never be dimmed by anything or anyone who tries to do so. we love you and appreciate you
HELLOOOOOO!!!! so 16 days later i can say YES, taking some time away has definitely helped me a great deal!! gotta find that healthy balance haha (and block the weirdo loser sexuality police people)
while i do enjoy mhae, they will def just be platonic in my fic. also i have hyuckil disease so there's that too. as for yuwin 😬 ngl i don't know much about ww bc that was before my time, and bc i don't follow wayv all that closely (good ass music tho! and i think it's super cool how ww is doing all that solo work wow good for him) but uhhhhhh that's a big no for any yuwin. also tbh i kinda forgot about yuwin until your ask asjdbasja my fic begins in 2019 so uh.....the yuwin mentions will be minimal, if at all.
i def hear what you're saying tho. it also makes me wince 😔 ofc i get it, if the feelings aren't there they aren't there, but that doesn't make it any less painful to watch lol. what i will say is calling mrk ww's replacement is just plain stupid and dumb atp. give it up.
imo, i think misunderstanding yta and mrk can be chalked up to not paying close enough attention to them? like i'm sure there are people who will disagree with my outlook on certain neos for the simple fact that i just don't pay attention to them all that much. and that's fine! i'd go crazy if i tried to pay attention to all 20-something of them. but i do still have a little giggle when people say yta is a cold or a bad boy or something along those lines.
that hug.....ik yta says he knows how to give good massages bc of soccer but like......the amount of ON-CAM mrk massages we've seen is utterly insane. i hope markie knows how good he has it 🥹i just LOVE IT when mrk looks like 😐 while hugging yuyu, like he needs every single one of his brain cells focused on the grand task of Hugging Yuta and absolutely nothing else. it's serious for him. ALSO: yuta's hand going up to rest on mrk's RIBCAGE???? instead of his waist ???? very cute to me honestly 🥺
that other tweet just makes me think of mrk saying in that fansign that he doesn't see himself getting married ???? MUCH 2 THINK ABOUT
WTFFFFF TEH CLIP IN THAT LAST TWEET??? I'VE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE????? markie petting his head, yuyu in his gay little hat 😭😭😭😭😭😭
yumark matching piercings would be sooooo cute :') OR if yuyu isn't there for the piercing, we just know he's gonna spend so much time over choosing a perfect piercing for him. something blue perhaps? 🤭
my dear jajahehe you're so sweet 🥺 that's really kind of you to say, i appreciate YOU a lot 🥰
firstly thank you for always welcoming me 🤧
secondly sighs and looks at a distance that touching ym game things has my eye twitching every time i see it and the laughter from the other members doesn’t help
okay so i have made an entire doc of some of my favorite idol clothes since you were curious yeahhhhh (it’s crazy that it’s not all of it and it’s that long lmaoo 😭), i hope you like it !
also in the process of searching for the items, i found these yuta gems
plus two random ym
lastly i read your angst snippet and wow wow wow wowwwwww like how can i put my feelings into words. this might sound weird but that’s exactly how i imagine their angst/conflict in general to sound/look like, especially as things got more serious and they began battling with the balance (if that even exists) of doing/getting away with things for the camera while also not being too obvious while also treasuring the privacy (am i making sense), especially after what you mentioned in your previous answer of them initially using fanservice as an excuse to do things that would seem ?? in another context. personally i feel like it’s been hinted at (for example mark’s child’s diary video and yuta mentioning in the latin america portion of the tour that they raised his self-esteem) that they both have been deeply insecure in their own ways and this insecurity has shown up in like you mentioned as they were coming to terms with the feelings; that confidence you mentioned is key as well. for me one of the most beautiful things about them is that they’ve grown together in many ways and continue to grow (they’ve softened but hardened each other shells, weird way to put it?). i think they both feel pressure in their own ways and it can lead to not wanting to become a burden for each other. this is where one of the main yumarkisms reassurance comes to play ahhhh. i think the frustration with their overall situation (idol queer couple and insane schedules) can also lead to some like undirected blurting. idk if i’m the only one but i think that the one reason why the coming to terms with feelings was so difficult is because it’s like a combination of “he was only supposed to be my dongsaeng/hyung” with a combination of “he’ll never see me that way.” i wanted to once again compliment you on your writing because not only are there a lot of yumark writers but there’s not a lot of yumark writers who really get into it and into their (looked over by many) depth, i’ve noticed that in fics they’re often sexualized in an odd way. that snippet gave me shivers because the emotion in your words really deliver. looking forward even more to the longfic!!
[sorry this took so long ;-; ty for your patience]
omg your doc.....quite extensive, that's so cute that you've kept track of the clothes you like!!! i really should do the same lol. from the quick peek i took, i can see that you're a sweater lover 🥰 tysm for sharing with me <33
those pics....esp that work it one 😵💫😵💫😵💫 good LORD he is beautiful
yumark head nuzzling 🥹🥹🥹 they gotta be careful doing it when their hair is fried bc they'll start a fire ahdsbdhgvbd (i hope mrk's hair gets to rest for a good while ;-; poor little guy)
ngl i forgot i even posted that snippet until i read this lmaoooo??? i'm so happy to hear that you like my portrayal and that my way of looking at them resonates with you :D
"they’ve softened but hardened each other shells" is the PERFECT way to put it wow. really had to stop and sit with that for a hot sec. while it would be a huge disservice to both yta and mrk to say that their personal growth can be credited to the other party, at the same time imo it's pretty undeniable the influence they had on one another. which....the more i think about it isn't necessarily a bad thing. like we all need someone to give us confidence and reassurance, otherwise it can be pretty discouraging to go through everything alone. and helping each other grow can be beautiful and healing for both parties so :') that's essentially what i'm trying to do with my fic. trying to dive more into the off-cam stuff, the moments that are quieter but fundamental to their relationship. and especially doing yta character study stuff bc he's just so fascinating to me. his relationship with loneliness itself is something i could tinhat and write so much about.
work on the longfic is going way slower than i'd like 😥 but i'm trying me best :') thank you as always for your kind words, they really do motivate me hehe <33
i’m back once again (annoying ik) but i saw you were having some writers block and wanted to remind you to trust yourself and try to release all of the tension that’s inhibiting you from creating your art. however, don’t force yourself or pressure yourself and let it come to you. we will all be here!
also mk did this in the third day of the osaka concert (after doing it in the previous japan concert, the reply shows it) and i’m…
lastly i was reading one of your answers here about their feelings being mutual for longer than we thought and i see where you’re going with the way the feelings progressed from both perspectives. if you’re still considering the longfic i’m excited because i feel like this aspect of ym hasn’t really been talked about
ok i’ll try not to bother too much but nothing is guaranteed ym make me crazy
again cheering you on!! we love you theyutettes!
hey now, you could never be annoying!!! i mean it <3
idek how to release the tension tbh a couple bad days at work + weird brain fog is a no beno combo :(( but i really appreciate your words <33 hopefully i can work on getting back to normal this week! i'm trying to be optimistic hehe
NO COMMENT ON THE MARK LINE....😵💫😵💫😵💫 he's crazy he's insane why did rino teach him that
funny you mention the longfic, i was actually writing some of their (painful) fight scene today! some pretty heavy stuff ;-; but i guess my brain is able to write angst right now, so there's that at least! it makes me so happy to hear that you're excited for it! i am too, i'm really looking forward to doing some in-depth exploration :D i've done so much research and timelining and outlining that it's gotten to the point where i just have to tell myself to chill and actually start writing lmao
and once again, you're never a bother!! i'll be happy to see you in my inbox again 🥰🥰🥰
hehe i’m back :) i’m still here because when you really think about it and compare how he is physically with other members that’s when you get dizzy. two of the many examples and the way (like many parts of their bond) the head leaning/rubbing had been here for a while
ashdbjfa not me forgetting i even twote that?? that first tweet oh my god 😭 i'm LOSING ITTTTTTT icb i forgot about this live 😭😭😭 and OF COURSE this was 2019. such a pivotal yumark year imo (more specifically 2019 to mid 2020, basically after punch era).
i don't really wanna call it the "fanservice year," but i kinda see it that way. but the catch is i think it came at the perfect time bc i believe they were both coming to terms with (or in mrk's case, starting to) their feelings for one another. at that time, i see both of them not quite as confident as they are now (in basically all aspects), so it think they both really took advantage of their situation. they got to act increasingly insane (the isac moments, the weekly idol ship ep where mark wanted yuta to pick him, the damn oppa vlive, the headphone game where yuta just 👁️👁️ at mark for the whole time), essentially exploring their feelings for each other under the guise of filling their fanservice quota. (which is also why i think many people are so quick to dismiss any and all yumark interactions as fanservice asjdabsdj but that's a whole other topic).
insecure about his feelings little markie is all oh i can touch yuta's hair and it won't look odd bc we're supposed to do fanservice rn :) all good haha :)) nothing deeper is going on :))) and trying to seem chill yuta is all haha i can stare at mark instead of actually playing the game bc yay fanservice ;) i'm so cool and sneaky ;))
okay wow i'm getting so off-track dear lord
the head rubbing 🥺🥺🥺 so so soooo precious and dear to me i hope they never stop it ;-;
i don't want to give yuta all the credit bc that's just unfair to mark, but i do think he played a big role in helping him become more comfortable with physical touch (on-camera?). i picture mark as a person who's actually pretty touchy, but doesn't want to allow himself to indulge in it (for a multitude of reasons). it's really nice to see how far mark's come and how confident he's gotten <33
alrightttt i'm going insane now i hope this answer made even a smidgen of sense to you 😅 thank you as always for popping in!! <3
often if i like something someone is wearing i will search it up to see and while i was doing that i found this… for a refresh and a new old spotting i found i swear that shirt and the necklace…
GOD THAT DAMN SHIRT (positive) that pic of yuta in it haunts me in the best (worst) possible way......he looks so immaculate. beloved jajahehe, who do you think actually owns the shirt?? considering that mrk wears it the most, i'd like to think yuyu bought it 🥹 ALSO if you wanna share, what other idol clothes do you like?? (oh) i'm curious (yeah)
MY GOD 🫢 he's so.......i'm speechless....i hope he gets to fulfill this dream soon <3
did you see yuyu saying he wants to play a subordinate who falls in love with his female boss >:)
WHAT WHAT WHAT WHEN WHERE HOW WHY also same here tho..... [very cute username and pfp hehe] this was made for the markf gf stans but having it with the aquarium date screenshots and thinking about him saying in the to us video that yt’s presence makes him happy has me :(
pleaseeeeeee it's so fucking CUTE 😭😭😭 i can't believe we got so much yumark just by having them enclosed in that little ferris wheel buggy but then again i should have expected exactly that 🥹 adorable adorable
u ARE a lesbian and ily mwah
you're sooooo right!!! and i love YOU mwah mwah 😙😚😘
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