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Loyal Vassal · 1mo

Hi, this is a random question but-- why do you think anime/anime fans (at least in english-speaking parts) have an alt-right problem? I've been wondering this for awhile, and I know there are several theories about it, but I just can't wrap my head around it lol. My theory is that it's because a lot of it is male-oriented, but unlike other 'guy stuff' like comic books, western video games etc there is a 'cuteness' factor to it that makes it more appealing, maybe? i saw a reddit comment saying 'japan is the number one source of misogyny globally through it's products, case in point anime feeds the incel community' (lol) but i feel like if anime did not exist, those types would choose something else to obsess over. or maybe it's just because of a specific internet culture that existed for a period of time that lead to this (early 2000s 4chan anime community overlap). What do you think? Is it because a lot of male-oriented stuff is misogynistic and thus causes its viewers to become misogynists, or that they were already misogynists to begin with and use these media to reinforce their beliefs? Or a mix of both? i'd love to hear your thoughts!

I think any “nerd” subculture kind of is susceptible to this kind of thing, INCLUDING comic books and video games, which are infamous for virulent misogyny (gamergate anyone???). Japan being the “number one source of misogyny” feels kind of racistly limiting, it feels a bit like a “fish not noticing the water” situation of the anglosphere not noticing the misogyny of its own nerd communities and fanbases. Not to say that Japanese and East asian stuff DOESN’t have a misogyny problem, just that I think it’s easier to notice when it looks “weird” and exotic compared to the more dreary, mundane offenses from normies in the workplace and the pulpit, etc. That, and in the english-speaking weeb world it goes hand in hand with the goofy Orientalism, where their own fans create a weird idea of what “japan” is in their brain as a kind of Preserved Conservative Utopia that hilariously lines up with their own ideas and taste. Hence on one hand you’ll have an anime chud whining about waifu8729429’s boobs not being drawn big enough because of the Evil Western Influence, while some comic book or star wars nerd will be crying that video game girl #28394 is too MANNISH and breaking the CANON and pandering to the WOKES for having biceps or no makeup or some shit. I think nerd culture and otaku culture in general can perpetuate this because it’s in that weird spot where most “normie” people think it’s weird to be passionate about fictional works, so there’s a (not completely untrue) feeling of persecution and isolation that comes with otaku/nerding out, that can culminate in projecting those feelings into punching down at women, minorities etc while still telling themselves they are being subversive and underdog-like for doing so.

Idk much personally about the 2000s 4chan anime community etc (i’ve seen my share of talk about it from being Online of course) but can’t imagine it’d be great for moderating these kinds of behaviors! It DOES vary though, because I think the media itself isn’t always the source—for example I know lots of queer people who are DEFINITELY not alt-right/conservative who also are fans of many of the same animes/series, even stuff for sexual “male gazey” media things like hentai/eroge/ecchi. I’ve gotten a lot more appreciation of those mediums because of such folks XD. In the end it’s less about the media themselves, and more how it’s framed and how you enage with it, and yourself I think…since there are alt-right fans of anything, even stuff with ostensibly sweet and progressive messages, like MLP and other cartoons about friendship or hanging out etc. I don’t think a single media, by itself, “causes” anyone to become misogynistic on its own as much as it is strongly reinforced by your social group or people one looks up to, whether its ur family, community, friends whose approval u seek, or ppl u have parasocial relationships with (hence young men and figures like Andrew Tate etc).

And I think you are right about how tbh if people are feeling vindictive and disaffected, they will always find some other outlet to be weird about. Currently, I’m not really an anime poster these days, but as someone into Third Crusade and medieval era stuff, and who follows ppl into Classical era stuff, you REALLY need to be on the lookout for nazis and RETVRN/deus vult idiot LARPers, there are lots of accounts that will (re)post pretty pictures and classic illustrations to nab followers while also posting insane fascism takes. Personally I can spot them a mile away by now and don’t have any trouble due to my Shield of Fujo Cringe (and also not being much of a military buff) but I feel for the folks who are much more into military nerd subjects and want to explore that more in-depth without running into the people posting Race Science Gender Essentialism online….RIP

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