A Hushed Whisper · 1mo

Regarding danmei:

Oh, for sure! MXTX has a type she likes, and that is to make the characters suffer quite a bit. Out of all of them, SVSSS is probably thr tamest, and even that one has temporary MCD (the guy has a backup body essentially and wakes up immediately afterwards)

But yes the genre itself loves those tropes... If you do end up exploring more of the genre, the website Novelupdates is very useful. If you didn't use it beforr, it has a robust tagging system and you can search by tags (like ao3)

Good to know. I don't read as much as I honestly should. Danmei is just a dangerous territory for me so I keep a respectful distance. Even the animated heavens official blessing kinda messes with me ;;;; so I'll probably just going to stick to my manhua and webcomic/toon list for now. Gotta test how many times can the "help I got reincarnated as X character!" can be used before I get bored.

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