
He/They/She - 30+ -
Will answer anything that's not invasive or rude.

Please do not send MCD, Grief, or Love and Loss.

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A Hushed Whisper · 14d

Hi there! Sorry for bothering you, could I ask you if I can be unblocked on Twitter (I am @sunheles and not minor) please? Cause I follow you on Hoyolab and I absolutely love your writing and posts but you blocked me on Twitter (probably bc I have a private account with no bio nor posts ahahah). Thanks!

Sure, but if you follow me on Twitter I do require at least a little 18+ symbol or something. Otherwise I will remove and/or block you again. Feel free to lurk otherwise.

A Hushed Whisper · 16d

mAKING ME SUFFER WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY SOBS you know who I am... you and Ivory are bullies ok

The point of anon is that I really don't know- I can assume, but I do not know.

Besides, Ivory cant even tell someone no, much less bully.

A Hushed Whisper · 16d

(Sorry, I’m the anon that warned you about MCD in the other ask and I felt bad leaving on that note, so please have a funny/light question)

Do you like any food that is generally considered “cursed”? I am infamous for pilk (pepsi and milk)

Mmm... Not as an adult, anymore. The craziest thing I do is mix a bunch of juice together now days. I used to put butter in my coffee when I was younger. Don't ask. I have no idea. It was buttery and delicious.

A Hushed Whisper · 16d

occasionally i think of what animals diluc and kaeya would have as pets (other than diluc being a bird lover of course) and i remember dilucs pet turtle... who do you think has dilucs turtle now? they live so long, perhaps adelinde doted on the turtle while diluc was on his little adventure. id like to think they threw the turtle birthday parties, and kaeya continued them on while diluc was gone... 🐢🐢🐢

I think Diluc may still have the tortoise just maybe not inside? It is probably in the garden, depending what kind it is. If it was a desert tortoise, it was probably returned to Sumeru to live out its happy tortoise days somewhere safe. Kaeya, however, I always pictured adopting something weird and unwanted- in one of my little side fics he mistakenly adopts a skunk and named her Chardonnay.

A Hushed Whisper · 16d

Sorry, I noticed you had a few asks about danmei and I’ve been following you for a while so i wanted to let you know. Although SVSSS is one of my faves, I definitely do not recommend it for you– I’ve read entire character studies and fix-it AUs about the MCD and grief experienced by a character. Although it’s clear that the character is alive, an entire plot arc is dedicated to someone grieving them. I just wanted to let you know bc i figured that would be triggering

Yeah I've heard, unfortunately. I just live the MXTX series vicariously through friends telling me about them and having fun. NBD. We can enjoy other things together and I'm glad they're happy.

A Hushed Whisper · 16d

why do you make me suffer???????? why do you torture me??????? I'm literally in tears rn

A Hushed Whisper · 16d

I was in one of the eclipse states this year, so this is a new consuming thought for me, but would you travel to a different location to experience a total solar eclipse?

A Hushed Whisper · 18d

Wait so your no.1 ship is Klk and no.2 ship is Ratiorine. Owl x peacock ships!!!!! P.S. I'm absolutely in love with your writing.

Ya dun found me lucky charms. I have a type. It's pretty predictable but very specific. Glad you're enjoying the writing~

A Hushed Whisper · 1mo

I just wanted to ask if you'll continue "He's a star (and he wants you to rail him)" on AO3 because it's SOOOOO GOOD!!

I'm almost done with chapter two. I post previews in the Gambers Paradise sometimes. BDSM channel if you're in there and missed it. I have only dropped one fic ever, i'm just slow with some as inspo/vibes comes and goes. I'd rather not beat myself up about needing to update.

A Hushed Whisper · 1mo

People out there complaining about gamblers paradise when there's servers out there that will ban if you post the opposite dynamic doing, idk, a HUG or eating a pocky. Ridiculous imo. Plus, they can always make their own totally switch friendly server yknow.. Why come here ti essentially just dump on you, it IS rude af

Yeah I know. I've seen them up close and personal. The fact any vers is allowed at all is considered nice, and to completely allow it in sfw is nearly unheard of. Many hard fixed shippers would probably argue that Paradise /is/ a switch server because of that, but I don't mind. If that's what they think, there's other servers out there.

A Hushed Whisper · 1mo

Anon was being polite and you just jumped at them like this damn
You've always been such a loud advocate of Switch/Verse, and suddenly you create the exact same kind of server you've been criticising all along... You have to admit it isn't really on brand

A Hushed Whisper · 1mo

i saw that the Ratiorine Server is fixed for NSFW content. is there a reason for this? i had interest in joining but i'm not really into the exclusivity of t/b dynamics (which is why i've always enjoyed following you for a long time), and was hoping for a nice switch server. i was surprised to see it fixed with you in modding because you've always been switch before

A Hushed Whisper · 1mo

Regarding danmei:

Oh, for sure! MXTX has a type she likes, and that is to make the characters suffer quite a bit. Out of all of them, SVSSS is probably thr tamest, and even that one has temporary MCD (the guy has a backup body essentially and wakes up immediately afterwards)

But yes the genre itself loves those tropes... If you do end up exploring more of the genre, the website Novelupdates is very useful. If you didn't use it beforr, it has a robust tagging system and you can search by tags (like ao3)

Good to know. I don't read as much as I honestly should. Danmei is just a dangerous territory for me so I keep a respectful distance. Even the animated heavens official blessing kinda messes with me ;;;; so I'll probably just going to stick to my manhua and webcomic/toon list for now. Gotta test how many times can the "help I got reincarnated as X character!" can be used before I get bored.

A Hushed Whisper · 1mo

Hello!! I wanted to let you know how much I love how you characterize diluc and kaeya! What are your thoughts on them and jealously? Like it makes me giggle thinking about prerelationship kaeya being jealous of Donna bc she gets to be so blatantly "in love"" with diluc and unconsciously show it off and he feels like he isn't allowed to do that so gets pouty abt it OR smth

A Hushed Whisper · 1mo

my internet flopped so i don't know if the earlier one was sent. thank you for the threads and fics you write, they make my day better and i always look forward to them.

Awe you're very welcome. I hope I can continue to brighten your day and give a little joy. That's all I want when I share my works. :) if you have a preferred ship you'd like to see, be sure to let me know. I work best with motivational brainrot.

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