A Hushed Whisper · 1mo

i saw that the Ratiorine Server is fixed for NSFW content. is there a reason for this? i had interest in joining but i'm not really into the exclusivity of t/b dynamics (which is why i've always enjoyed following you for a long time), and was hoping for a nice switch server. i was surprised to see it fixed with you in modding because you've always been switch before

Long answer incoming because ???? Huh???

Gambler's Paradise is more flexible than most fixed servers, tbh. Vers/Aventio is allowed in the SFW areas completely and there is one (1) nsfw room locked and gated behind a role for posting spicy things. We're very tolerant, but the server is dedicated ratiorine over anything else.

I'm kinda struggling to see what you expect me to do or say here? Do I really NEED to explain myself because you made an assumption and put an expectation on me? Isn't that a little unfair and kind of mean? Like... am I supposed to feel bad I disappointed you? Am I supposed to apologize that I didn't do what YOU expected me to?

Come on now. Don't be entitled and push your whims and expectations on people you don't even have the courage to face.

I have always been more heavily leaning / fixed-ish on Wriolette, Haikaveh, and now Ratiorine. Nothing new. I'm switch friendly and OK but that doesn't mean I personally or actively switch all of my ships. I have go-to and preference like everyone else. I don't mind seeing the reverse and it does not bother me to exist or be enjoyed by other people- but it does nothing for me. I wanted a space that makes me happy and is filled with things I enjoy.

I hope you find what you're looking for, and I hope you didn't mean to sound like a rude ass, but this was rude as hell and I genuinely hope you don't join my server if you have that sort of attitude towards people making stuff in the fandom. No one should be required to meet your expectations, fulfill your hopes, or cater to your tastes unless you're paying them.

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