A Hushed Whisper · 1mo

Anon was being polite and you just jumped at them like this damn
You've always been such a loud advocate of Switch/Verse, and suddenly you create the exact same kind of server you've been criticising all along... You have to admit it isn't really on brand

Another long answer so hopefully I don't need to repeat myself about this.

If you think that me saying "I am not required to meet a random faceless stranger's made up expectations of me" is impolite, then oh well. Because it's extremely rude to expect someone else to cater to your opinions of how they should be. It's also rude to scold, shame, or belittle someone for standing up for themselves and calling out what they feel is unfair and unkind. I will not apologize for standing up for myself when I've done nothing wrong but fail to meet an imaginary Switch Shipper KPI.

Go look at other ship fixed servers because Gambler's Paradise is EXTREMELY Switch friendly to only restrict nsfw where dynamic actually matters. I can name at least one space that doesn't even allow switch creators to post their work or be shared. It's a bannable offense in some others to bring it up.

The #Switch-And-Vers room is there for anyone who wants it locked behind a role, and invisible to the ones who don't want to see it. At time of typing, 46% of the server members have that role. 54% do not and they are not required to.

If you think this server is restrictive or intolerant to vers/aventio- you just don't like people having a preference at all.

I will always advocate for tolerance, not force feeding that everyone has to be the same and have absolutely no preferences of dynamic. That has never been my "brand" and never will be. People are allowed to like different things so long as they're not being assholes about it, and that includes a switch person requiring fixed people to switch. The only thing I've ever asked for is tolerance of switch'rs and being nice to them just like they would another fixed. I have never, and still do not, understand the hostility to switch- nor am I hostile to reverse in the ships I'm more fixed in.

I have always had preferences. For example: I prefer Luckae in most things and have for a very long time now, I talk about it pretty openly. I joke with the CrownFinch server sometimes that I need to recruit more Luckae leans because there's so much Kaeluc in that house. It's not a secret. Kaeluc is just more interesting to me as a HC than Aventio is, so I enjoy switching more in KLK than Ratiorine.

Unfollow button is right there and so is mute/block. I recommend you use it if that bothers you for some reason.

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